Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty (Piezo Rhinoplasty)

Considering a change to your nose? You’re not alone. Many people look into rhinoplasty, or “nose jobs”, to enhance their facial balance. But what if there was a method that promised more accuracy and a smoother recovery?

Introducing Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty – an advanced rhinoplasty procedure that brings together technology and expertise for better results. Unlike the older techniques, which sometimes used hammers and chisels, this approach uses ultrasonic waves. This technology allows Mr Kshem Yapa, a plastic surgeon based in London, to shape the bone with incredible precision, without harming the nearby cartilage, skin or blood vessels.

For you, this means a more controlled procedure, less bruising, quicker recovery, and a result that meets your expectations. If you’re thinking about going for a rhinoplasty in London and want a modern, reliable approach, consider Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically under 30 minutes.

An Outpatient Surgery:
An Outpatient Surgery:

No overnight stay is required.


General or twilight anaesthesia.


Most patients can return to light activities within a few days.


Avoid for at least 24 hours post-procedure and avoid direct water on the face for the first few days.


Sleep with your head elevated for the first week.


Avoid make-up on the surgical area for at least a week.


Avoid driving for at least 24-48 hours post-procedure.


Avoid smoking at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the procedure.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Limit for 2 weeks post-procedure. Use a high-SPF sunscreen when outside.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

As medical technology advances, so do the benefits it offers to patients, as evidenced by the following benefits provided by the ultrasonic rhinoplasty:

  • Reduced Post-Surgical Pain and Discomfort:

    The cutting-edge ultrasonic approach leads to fewer unintended fractures or trauma to the nasal structure. As a result, you will experience minimal pain post-surgery. This gentler method means you can swiftly return to your daily routines, sleep better, and tackle tasks without much assistance, all while using fewer painkillers.

  • Quicker Recovery Times:

    With the precision of ultrasonic rhinoplasty, swelling and bruising are notably reduced. This not only allows for a faster healing process but also means you can find the confidence you deserve to take on the world. A quicker recovery also translates to a timely return to both work and social commitments.

  • Superior Cosmetic Outcomes:

    Ultrasonic tools allow for precise reshaping of the nose, ensuring results that are both accurate and natural-looking. With this advanced technique, scarring is minimal, freeing you from relying on makeup or scar treatments. This precision also diminishes the likelihood of requiring revision surgeries in the future.

  • Focused Targeting, Minimised Trauma:

    Ultrasonic rhinoplasty zeroes in on the nasal bones, leaving adjacent tissues undisturbed. This targeted approach results in less post-operative bruising and swelling, ensuring a more comfortable recovery with fewer complications related to tissue and bone healing.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Procedure Steps: How it Works

Understanding how ultrasonic rhinoplasty works can put you at ease and assist you in determining whether this is the right treatment for you. Below is a general step-by-step process employed by Mr Kshem Yapa during this procedure.

  • Consultation and Assessment

    Initially, you’ll have a comprehensive consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa. This session will allow you to discuss your nose reshaping goals, address any concerns, and for Mr Yapa to evaluate your suitability for ultrasonic rhinoplasty.

  • Anaesthesia

    On the day of your procedure, you’ll be given either general or local anaesthesia with sedation to ensure your complete comfort throughout the surgery. This measure ensures a pain-free experience.

  • Making Precise Incisions

    To minimise any potential scarring, inconspicuous incisions will be placed inside your nostrils or, in certain cases, at the base of your nose. These strategic placements ensure that any marks from the surgery remain discreet and barely noticeable.

  • Utilising Ultrasonic Technology

    The centrepiece of this procedure is the ultrasonic technology. A specially designed tool with a high-frequency vibrating tip is employed for precise sculpting of nasal bone and cartilage. This approach ensures accuracy, minimal trauma, and a reduced risk of complications.

  • Refinements and Closing

    Once the reshaping is complete using the ultrasonic technique, any additional refinements, such as repositioning or grafting bone or cartilage, will be carried out if necessary. After all adjustments are made, the incisions will be closed, often using dissolvable sutures or other suitable techniques to further minimise visible marks.

Risks and Complications

While ultrasonic rhinoplasty generally presents fewer risks compared to traditional rhinoplasty techniques, it’s important to recognise that any surgical procedure does carry inherent risks. Mr Yapa employs his vast expertise to minimise potential complications, but the probability of the risk of these complications occurring cannot be reduced to zero:

Like all surgeries, there’s a possibility of experiencing some post-operative bleeding. Precautions are always taken to reduce this risk, ensuring swift management of any bleeding that might occur.

This involves the collection of blood underneath the skin. Though uncommon, if it arises, minor surgical intervention might be required to drain the blood and alleviate discomfort.

Similar to a haematoma, but with clear fluid accumulation post-operatively. Most instances resolve on their own, but occasional drainage might be necessary.

Any surgical procedure comes with a minor risk of infection. Strict antiseptic techniques are used to mitigate this risk. If an infection does arise, it’s usually treatable with antibiotics.

Some patients may experience temporary nasal dryness after the procedure. Over-the-counter saline sprays or gels can usually alleviate this.

Although Mr Yapa uses careful surgical techniques, there’s a minor risk of scarring. Due to the incision nature in ultrasonic rhinoplasty, any scars are generally hidden and fade with time.


You’ll likely experience a smoother recovery than with traditional rhinoplasty surgeries following your ultrasonic rhinoplasty with Mr Kshem Yapa. In the first two weeks, you might feel mild discomfort, which can be managed with recommended pain relief. 


Some bruising and swelling are expected, but these symptoms begin to diminish notably by the two-week mark and largely disappear by the third month. Minor nosebleeds or itching are temporary. The precision of the ultrasonic method results in reduced trauma, translating to less swelling and faster visibility of your surgery results. Most patients return to their regular activities within a week.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.