Deep Plane Neck Lift

Ageing is an inevitable process that brings with it visual changes to our appearance, particularly affecting areas like the neck and jawline and creating wrinkles, jowls, fine lines, and nasolabial folds. 

Creases, sagging skin, and diminished definition in these areas can certainly impact one’s self-esteem and overall aesthetic appeal. However, advances in aesthetic medicine, such as a deep plane neck lift, propose a remarkable solution to reverse the evident signs of ageing, helping restore youthful contours.

The deep plane neck lift procedure in London offers a distinguished approach compared to traditional neck lifts. While a standard neck lift mainly focuses on eliminating excess skin and fat around your jawline, aiming to minimise ageing signs in the lower facial region, a deep plane neck lift goes a step further.

A deep plane neck lift is a specialised surgical intervention aimed at enhancing the contours of the neck. It involves the careful sculpting of fat situated beneath the platysma muscle, combined sometimes with the removal of the submandibular glands or muscle which can add to the fullness of the neck with age. The outcome is a notably more defined and sculpted neckline. This procedure, by addressing both the surface and deeper layers of the neck, ensures thorough and long-lasting improvements. 

There are certain instances whereby a deep plane neck lift is the favourable procedure. For example, for younger patients, under 40, who face issues with genetically heavier necks without significant saggy skin, this procedure can be aptly suited. Likewise, patients over 40, who experience loose or sagging skin alongside a desire to reshape the neck contours, might find the most beneficial outcome from a combination of a deep plane facelift and neck lift.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Approximately 2-4 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An outpatient procedure but an overnight stay can be arranged if necessary.


Local or general anaesthesia, based on patient and surgeon preference.


2 weeks expected recovery time.


Gentle showering allowed 48 hours post-procedure, avoiding direct water pressure on the surgical area.


Elevating the head and neck is recommended for 1-2 weeks to minimise swelling.

Sun Exposure:
Sun Exposure:

Limited sun exposure is recommended for at least 6 weeks post-procedure.


Avoid smoking at least 4 weeks before and after surgery to optimise healing.


Makeup use can be resumed after 2 weeks, or once sutures are removed.


Typically restricted for 1-2 weeks post-procedure.

Physical Activity:
Physical Activity:

Light activities after 2-3 weeks, rigorous activities after 6-8 weeks.

Benefits of a Deep Plane Neck Lift

It’s important to understand the explicit benefits that accompany a deep plane neck lift. After all, it helps reaffirm your decision to undergo this treatment and provides you with a base of what to expect following the procedure. The main benefits which the deep plane neck lift can produce include:

  • Eliminating a Double Chin:

    The procedure removes excess fat and skin under the chin, effectively reducing the appearance of a double chin. This change can offer a cleaner, more defined look to the lower face and enhance your profile visibly.

  • Defining the Jawline:

    A deep plane neck lift works on various layers in the neck, providing a defined and shaped jawline. This action can produce a structured facial appearance and help mitigate the effects of ageing or weight change.

  • Improved Clothing Fit:

    By refining the neck’s contour, this procedure can enhance how open-necked and collared shirts fit and look, potentially increasing comfort and aesthetic appeal in different wardrobe choices.

  • Graceful Neck Contouring:

    The procedure involves sculpting the neck, providing an elongated and elegant shape, which can be aesthetically pleasing and complement your overall appearance positively.

  • Minimal Scarring:

    The techniques used ensure that any scarring is minimal and strategically placed (such as behind the ear or under the chin) to be as unnoticeable as possible, maintaining a natural look post-procedure.

Surgical Techniques Used

While techniques may slightly vary depending on individual patient needs and surgeon’s preferences, the following outlines the commonly employed surgical techniques in the context of a deep plane neck lift:

A discreet incision is made beneath the chin, ensuring it’s less visible post-recovery. This provides access to the underlying neck structures.

The technique goes beyond the surface, adjusting various layers of the neck, such as the skin, muscle, and connective tissue, ensuring a comprehensive reshaping.

Specific fat deposits, especially under the chin and around the neck, are removed or adjusted. This step aids in achieving a well-defined and sculpted neck appearance.

Over time, the platysma muscle in the neck can become lax. Addressing and tightening this muscle contributes to a reduction in sagging and offers enhanced neck definition.

In some instances, deeper tissues, including the digastric muscles and submandibular glands, might be modified to attain the desired neck contour.

After addressing the deeper structures, the skin is carefully redraped over the adjusted neck area. Excess skin is trimmed, and the remainder is sutured to ensure a smooth, rejuvenated look.

Deep Plane Neck Lift Procedure

The first step to your deep plane neck lift procedure is to undergo an in-depth consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa. Here, your aesthetic goals as well as your medical and surgical history will be discussed in detail. Based on a thorough examination of your skin and neck, a customised procedure plan that aligns with your aspirations and ensures safety will be curated. Once the procedure is over successfully, Mr Kshem Yapa and the team will ensure you are comfortable and well-informed about the immediate post-operative care and what to expect in the recovery phase. This step-wise, patient-centric approach aims to provide a safe, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing outcome that aligns with your goals.

  • Administering Anesthesia

    The procedure will commence with the administration of anaesthesia. You’ll either be under general anaesthesia, administered by a trained anaesthetist, or provided with local anaesthesia and sedation, depending on the prior discussion and your comfort levels. This step ensures that the procedure is painless and comfortable for you.

  • Making the Incision

    A strategic, approximately one-inch incision will be made beneath the chin. This careful positioning ensures that any resultant scarring is minimized and discreetly located where it is not easily visible. Through this incision, access is gained to the various layers of the neck. In addition to this chin crease incision incisions may also be made behind the ears to further define and improve the jawline and neck by removing excess skin.

  • Lifting and Contouring the Neck

    Mr Kshem Yapa will then lift the layers of the neck, including skin, muscle, and other tissues, to create a smoother, youthful neckline and defined jawline. During this step, both superficial and deeper fat deposits in the neck and under the chin may be removed or reshaped to enhance the contouring effect

  • Refining Deeper Tissues

    Delving into the deeper tissues of the neck, excess fatty deposits will be reduced, and structures like the digastric muscles and submandibular glands may be tightened or reshaped as needed. This attention to the deeper structures of the neck allows for a sculpted and refined neckline, improving your overall facial profile.

Side Effects and Risks

It is essential to acknowledge that, as with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks and potential side effects. The experience and expertise of Mr Kshem Yapa significantly mitigate these, but awareness of possible post-operative complications gives you a more realistic outlook as to what you can expect following the procedure. Below are the most common complications that may arise:

A common risk with any surgery, managed with proper sterile technique and post-operative care.

Some patients may experience excessive bleeding post-surgery, which needs medical attention.

Incisions are strategically placed to minimise visibility, but scarring is inevitable to some degree.

There’s a potential for temporary or permanent nerve damage during the procedure although these risks are rare.

In rare cases, healing might differ on each side, creating a slightly asymmetrical appearance.

Expected after surgery, but excessive or prolonged swelling may require intervention.

Some degree of pain is expected and can be managed with prescribed medications


It’ll take around 2 weeks to fully recover following your deep plane neck lift. The initial results will likely be visible after about two months, though residual swelling could linger for a somewhat longer duration. Your incision, strategically located under the chin, will gradually transform into a subtle, thin white line over time as healing progresses.


In terms of longevity, the enhanced, youthful contour of your neck should be evident for 10-15 years following the procedure. Although the natural ageing process will persist, the procedure effectively “resets” your starting point, allowing you to enjoy a firmer and more sculpted neckline. Throughout your recovery and beyond, Mr Kshem Yapa and the team will be available to support and guide you, ensuring optimal healing and satisfaction with your results.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us. 

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.