Chin Augmentation

The chin plays a pretty central role in characterising your distinct facial profile. As you navigate daily encounters, your countenance is often perceived from a slight or oblique angle rather than a direct frontal view. A diminished or set-back chin can therefore introduce a sense of disparity in facial proportions, which may affect your confidence and make social situations more difficult to deal with. 

For men, a robust chin is frequently associated with masculinity, whilst women often seek a more feminine and sleek alignment of the nose, lip, and chin. Chin augmentation surgery is tailored to address these very imbalances, paving the way for restored facial symmetry and balance.

Deciding whether or not chin augmentation surgery in London is for you requires comprehensive evaluation. There are different surgical techniques used, which we’ll expand on below, that depend entirely on your characteristics and end goal.

For example, a retreating chin can occasionally stem from an irregularity in the alignment of the upper and lower teeth. In such instances, orthognathic surgery might be recommended to realign the teeth and enhance the chin’s positioning. On the other hand, if your teeth are well-aligned, a focused chin augmentation through osseous genioplasty or implant genioplasty could be the course of action.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1-2 hours, depending on the technique used.

Out Patient:
Out Patient:

Some may require an overnight stay depending on individual circumstances.


Typically, general anaesthesia.


Approximately 7-10 days.


Should be avoided for 48 hours post-operation and the surgical area kept dry for one week.


Sleep with head elevated for the first week to reduce swelling.


Avoid application for 10-14 days to the surgical area post surgery.


Avoid driving for at least 3-5 days post-surgery or until off pain medication.


Cease smoking at least 2 weeks prior to and 4 weeks after the procedure.

Sun Exposure:
Sun Exposure:

Limited sun exposure for 6 weeks post-operation. A high SPF is essential when outdoors.

Benefits of Chin Augmentation

Deciding on a cosmetic procedure is a big step, and understanding the benefits can make you feel more confident in your choice. Here’s how chin augmentation can make a difference for you:

  • A Change That Lasts:

    One of the best things about chin augmentation is that it’s a one-time procedure with lasting results. So, you’ll enjoy the new look for years to come.

  • A Balanced Look from Every Angle:

    If you’ve felt that your face looks a bit off-balance due to a recessed chin, this procedure can help. It’s all about making sure your features are in harmony, especially when people see you from the side.

  • Dashing Jawline:

    It’s not just about the chin – this procedure can give your whole jawline a more defined and attractive appearance. It’s like a little bonus that comes with the main upgrade!

  • It Looks Natural:

    No need to worry about looking “done”. The aim here is to enhance your features in a way that feels right for you. With different options to choose from and expert advice, you can expect a result that feels like ‘you’, but with a bit of added flair.

Surgical Techniques Used

Chin augmentation surgery is more complex than traditional cosmetic procedures in that there are multiple techniques that may be used to reach your desired goals. The technique used during your procedure will be decided upon following a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa but most commonly involves the use of implants. If more significant augmentations are needed then Mr Yapa will be able to guide you further and recommend a suitable path. Some of the techniques that can be used are listed below.

This is one of the most popular techniques for chin augmentation. A biocompatible implant, typically made from silicone or other materials, is inserted over the bone structure of the chin. This procedure is favoured for its relatively straightforward approach and is especially useful for those seeking a more pronounced chin without major surgical adjustments using maxillofacial techniques described below such as sliding genioplasty.

In osseous genioplasty, the chin bone itself is cut, advanced, and then secured in its new position using plates and screws. This method offers a more permanent solution and is beneficial for those who need corrections in all dimensions of their chin. The bone is then held in its new position using plates and screws. This method is particularly effective if you suffer from a severely receded chin.

If you’re wary of surgical intervention, a filler can be used as an alternative. Dermal fillers are injected into the chin area to provide volume and shape. While this method is less invasive and offers quicker recovery, the results are temporary and may require periodic maintenance.

This method involves harvesting fat from one part of your body and grafting it onto the chin. This approach can be beneficial if you’re after a softer, more natural augmentation. However, some of the grafted fat may be reabsorbed over time, potentially necessitating touch-ups.

Chin Augmentation Procedure Steps

Understanding the different steps of a chin augmentation procedure can provide clarity and ease any anxieties you may have going into your treatment. Here’s a breakdown of the typical steps involved:

  • Administering Anesthesia:

    For your comfort and safety during the surgery, various forms of anaesthesia are available. These can range from local anaesthesia to intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. Mr Kshem Yapa will discuss and decide on the most suitable option for you, ensuring you’re at ease throughout the procedure.

  • Making the Incision:

    The method of chin augmentation dictates the type and location of the incision. Some surgeons might opt for an incision inside the mouth, offering the benefit of no visible scars. However, others might choose an external incision beneath the chin, which can provide better access for certain techniques.

  • Sealing the Incisions:

    Once the desired adjustments are made, the next step involves closing up. This can be achieved using sutures, skin-friendly adhesives, or tapes, ensuring that the healing process is optimised and the results are as seamless as possible.

Risks and Complications

Every surgical procedure, no matter how routine, carries its set of potential risks. While Mr Kshem Yapa always aims to minimise complications, ensuring a procedure is as smooth as possible, it’s essential to be informed about the possible outcomes. Please note that while we mention some common risks below, this isn’t an exhaustive list:

As with any surgery, there’s a chance of infection at the incision site. It’s crucial to follow post-operative care instructions diligently to mitigate this risk. Any signs of prolonged redness, swelling, or discharge should be promptly reported.

Sometimes, the outcome may not be perfectly symmetrical. This could be due to factors like individual healing patterns or unforeseen complications during surgery. Regular check-ups can help in early detection and potential corrective measures.

Especially if the incision is made under the chin, there might be visible scarring. However, with time and proper care, such scars typically fade significantly. Some patients may also consider scar treatments to further reduce visibility.

Excessive bleeding is a rare but potential complication post-surgery. It’s important to avoid strenuous activities and follow Mr Kshem Yapa’s advice to minimise this risk. Immediate medical attention should be sought if you notice unusual bleeding.

Some patients may experience numbness or altered sensation around the surgical area. This is often temporary, but it’s essential to keep Mr Kshem Yapa informed about any prolonged or unusual sensations.

Although rare, some individuals might have adverse reactions to the anaesthesia used. This could manifest as nausea, dizziness, or allergic reactions. It’s crucial to discuss any prior anaesthetic experiences or allergies with Mr Kshem Yapa beforehand.

If implants are used, there’s a chance they might shift, become infected, or be rejected by the body. Regular follow-ups can help monitor the implant’s condition and ensure its longevity.


Total recovery following your chin augmentation procedure takes around 2-3 weeks depending on the surgical technique used. In the initial days following the procedure, you’ll find it easier to stick to a liquid or soft food diet, as chewing may cause discomfort. Mr Kshem Yapa will provide appropriate pain relief medications to help ease any unease or pain you might experience.


It’s normal during the first few weeks to notice swelling, a sensation of tightness, and some tenderness in the chin region. Many people find they’re able to return to work after about a week, and by roughly the 10-day mark, resuming most day-to-day activities becomes feasible.


You’ll start to notice your new chin take shape around 2-3 weeks after your treatment. That said, swelling can temporarily mask the full outcome, so don’t be alarmed if it takes a little while longer. By about the 6-week mark, the majority of this swelling will have subsided, offering a clearer view of the final, transformative results of your chin augmentation.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.