Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)

Over time, many women experience sagging breasts due to factors like ageing, weight changes, pregnancy, and the natural pull of gravity. While there might not be a significant concern with breast size, the droop or position might be affecting your confidence and body image. Mastopexy or breast lift surgery aims to restore a firmer and more youthful appearance to the breasts by repositioning the tissue, removing excess skin, and relocating the nipple and areola to a more natural height. If desired, the areola size can also be adjusted.

The exact technique and incision type will vary based on your individual needs and the degree of lift required. But don’t worry, all will be discussed and tailored to you by Mr Kshem Yapa. If you’ve noticed a decline in the perkiness of your breasts, whether from life changes or simply the march of time, you may be an ideal candidate for a breast lift in London. It’s all about enhancing what’s naturally yours and regaining your confidence.

At a glance

Procedure length:
Procedure length:

Typically 2-3 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

Most patients are discharged the same day.


Typically performed under general anaesthesia.


1-2 weeks for initial recovery. Strenuous exercises should be avoided for 6 weeks.


Wait at least 48 hours post-surgery to shower. Avoid soaking the incision areas for 2 weeks.


Sleep on your back with your head elevated for the first few weeks.


Should be avoided for at least one-week post-surgery and you feel pain free.


It’s recommended to quit smoking 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the surgery.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Should be limited on incisions for at least 6 months. Use a strong SPF when outdoors.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)

Breast lift, or mastopexy, goes beyond just elevating the breast’s position. This procedure can bring about a transformative change, enhancing both your physical appearance and personal confidence. Here are some of the prominent benefits to consider:

  • Firmer Breasts:

    Breasts naturally lose their elasticity over time. A mastopexy doesn’t just reposition them, but it also rejuvenates their texture, giving them a more youthful and firm feel, countering any sense of ‘deflation’.

  • Natural Nipple Alignment:

    Breast sagging can often result in the nipple pointing downwards. With a mastopexy, the breasts are reshaped, ensuring the nipple-areolar complex sits in a more forward and natural position, enhancing the overall silhouette.

  • Restored Breast Contour:

    Breast sagging can lead to a loss of the rounded or teardrop shape many desire. The lift reinstates this shape, bringing about a more appealing and full-bodied breast contour.

  • A Boost in Youthful Appearance:

    Elevated and firm breasts are synonymous with youth. Whether age, pregnancy, or weight changes have affected your breasts, a lift can recapture that youthful essence, making them appear more appealing.

  • Comfort and Reduced Irritation:

    Sagging breasts can often result in skin chafing, especially underneath. A Mastopexy addresses this by removing excess skin, reducing the chances of irritation and providing added comfort.

Types of Breast Lift Surgery

There are different surgical approaches used for breast lift surgery. Mr Yapa will decide on the technique to use for your case following a thorough consultation. The different breast lift procedures that can be performed are listed below.

If you’re noticing just a touch of sagging, the crescent lift might be right for you. It involves a small incision that runs only halfway along the top outer edge of your areola, producing a scar that is discreetly hidden within your areola’s natural pigment.

If you are suffering from mild sagging and are seeking a gentle lift, the peri-areolar or “doughnut lift” might be ideal. This technique requires a neat circular incision around the entire outer edge of your areola, resulting in a very subtly placed scar.

If you’re experiencing moderate sagging and want a more pronounced reshaping, the vertical lift could be your match. This procedure consists of two incisions: one encircling the areola’s edge, and another vertical one extending from the base of your areola down to the breast’s natural fold. Due to its distinctive shape, it’s also called the “lollipop lift”.

If you are looking for a transformative change to address significant sagging, the anchor lift technique is a viable option. It involves three key incisions with one circling your areola’s outer edge, one vertical incision from the bottom of your areola down to the natural breast crease, and a final one made horizontally along your natural breast crease.


During your consultation, Mr Kshem Yapa will guide you through these options, ensuring the chosen technique aligns seamlessly with your desires and body’s characteristics.

Pairing a breast augmentation with a breast lift, often termed as ‘augmentation mastopexy’, is a method used to further enhance the breast’s contour and positioning. By undergoing both procedures simultaneously, you not only benefit from achieving the desired lift and fullness but also have the advantage of a single surgical session. This means a singular recovery period, one set of hospital and practitioner fees, and a single instance under general anaesthesia.


The purpose of combining a breast lift with implants is twofold: the lift restores the natural position of the breasts on the chest wall, while the implants contribute to a more pronounced firmness, especially in the upper section of the breast. This comprehensive approach is particularly beneficial for women who’ve experienced changes post-pregnancy or breastfeeding, but it’s also an excellent option for those combatting general breast ptosis.


Under the expertise of Mr Kshem Yapa, the augmentation mastopexy is tailored to each individual. Alongside enhancing the volume and restoring the breast’s firmness, Mr Yapa takes special care to correct and reposition the nipples & areola, ensuring they sit naturally and symmetrically. If there’s a concern regarding oversized areola or enlarged nipples, adjustments can be made during the procedure for a harmonious result.

Mastopexy Procedure Steps

Considering a mastopexy is a big decision for you. To help you feel more informed and at ease, here’s a straightforward breakdown of what the procedure involves:

  • Pre-Surgical Markings

    Before the surgery begins, Mr Kshem Yapa will mark the desired new position of the nipple on your breast, ensuring precision in the final result.

  • Administering Anaesthesia

    To ensure you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure, you’ll be administered general anaesthesia. This means you’ll be fully asleep and will not feel any discomfort during the surgery.

  • Making the Incisions

    Strategically planned incisions are made around the areola. Depending on the chosen technique, these may extend vertically from the areola’s base to the natural breast fold, and possibly around the areola’s curvature.

  • Reshaping and Repositioning

    Your breast tissue will be lifted and reshaped to achieve the desired outcome. The areolas are then relocated to their optimal position on your newly shaped breast, ensuring a natural look. If necessary, the areola size may also be adjusted.
    Depending on the technique you and Mr Yapa have decided upon for your treatment, Mr Yapa may insert the implants during this stage.

  • Finalising the Procedure

    Any excess skin that contributes to sagging will be removed to provide a firmer breast appearance. Incisions will then be meticulously closed using stitches, sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. Mr Yapa will make sure these are placed in areas where visibility is minimised, prioritising the aesthetics of the final result.

Risks and Complications

Mr Yapa is dedicated to patient safety and will take every measure to minimise potential risks. However, it’s essential for you to be aware of the inherent risks associated with the mastopexy procedure:

After your surgery, there might be a risk of unexpected bleeding which may require medical intervention.

Although precautions are taken, and despite being rare, there’s a small chance of infection after the procedure.

In some cases, blood or fluid can gather in the breasts, necessitating drainage.

Scars are a natural outcome of surgery, but occasionally they can become thick or cause discomfort.

Sometimes, the surgical incisions might not heal as expected or might take longer than usual.

It’s possible to experience a temporary loss or change in sensation in the breast or nipple area.

There may be variations in the shape or symmetry between breasts after the surgery.

In very rare instances, there can be a partial or complete loss of the nipple or areola because of compromise of the blood supply to the nipple. This is vanishingly rare and precautions are taken to avoid this.


After your mastopexy, it’s natural to experience some swelling and tenderness in the breast area. Mr Yapa and his team will provide you with pain relief options to make this period more comfortable for you. Using a cold compress may also help in reducing the swelling and providing some relief from soreness.


For the initial two to three weeks post-surgery, you’ll be advised to wear a supportive surgical bra or a soft non-wired bra to aid the healing process. During this time, it’s important you rest in an elevated position, preferably sleeping on your back with the support of pillows to keep your chest up.


While most of the noticeable swelling, bruising, and discomfort typically subside within a few weeks, do understand that your breasts might continue to settle into their final shape over several months, potentially up to a year.


Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least two to four weeks. It’s expected for most patients to resume work within a week, though some might need a bit longer depending on the extent of the procedure. A complete recovery, allowing you to get back to your regular activities, is usually seen by the six-week mark. 


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service for your needs 24 hrs a day from the moment you have surgery.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.