Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, sometimes colloquially referred to as a “boob job”, is a transformative cosmetic procedure that caters to women with various motivations. You may feel that your breasts aren’t in proportion with your body, desire a boost in self-esteem due to size concerns, or wish to restore volume after life events such as pregnancy or weight loss. Just understand that this journey is deeply personal, and Mr Kshem Yapa will do his best to ensure all results align with your goals.

Breast augmentation is carried out through two primary methods: breast implants or fat transfer. Silicone gel breast implants, renowned for their natural feel, are widely utilised in the UK and maintain a strong safety record. Meanwhile, the fat transfer technique repurposes your own body fat to enhance the breast’s size and shape. A combination of the two techniques can also work well to enhance volume while achieving natural-looking results.

The decision to undergo breast augmentation in London should always centre around you and your desires. Whether it’s to address asymmetry, regain youthful volume, or simply achieve the silhouette you’ve always wished for, it’s crucial that this choice is made for yourself, ensuring genuine satisfaction with the results. You can combine breast augmentation with other procedures like a breast lift, to further refine the appearance.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1-2 hours

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

Usually an outpatient procedure, but an overnight stay might be required in certain cases.


General anaesthesia is typically used.


Most patients return to non-strenuous activities within 7 days. Full recovery typically around 6 weeks.


You may be advised to wait 48 hours post-surgery before showering to protect incisions.


Should be avoided 
2 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery.


For the first few weeks sleep on your back and slightly elevated.

Sun Exposure:
Sun Exposure:

It’s advised to avoid direct sun exposure on surgical areas for at least 6 month to prevent pigmentation.


Rigorous activities should be avoided for 6 weeks.


Avoid driving for at least 1-week post-surgery or until of pain medication.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation offers an array of both aesthetic and medical benefits, including:

  • Enhancing Your Curves:

    You might feel that your breasts are naturally smaller or don’t have the curvature you desire. With breast augmentation, you can achieve a fuller and more defined silhouette, enhancing your feminine charm. Whether you’re aiming for a particular cup size, wish to wear swimwear with newfound confidence, or simply want a more shapely appearance in your everyday clothes, this procedure can help you achieve those goals.

  • Balancing Asymmetrical Breasts:

    You might have noticed a degree of asymmetry in your breasts, which is quite common among women. For some, this difference can significantly influence clothing decisions and how they feel about themselves. Breast augmentation offers you the chance to balance out these differences. By choosing implants of varying sizes or shapes tailored to each breast, the procedure can give you a more symmetrical look, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in bras, swimsuits, and your everyday outfits.

  • Revitalising Post-Pregnancy and Ageing Breasts:

    Your journey through motherhood, combined with the natural ageing process, may have led to changes in your breasts. You might notice them sagging or losing volume. Breast augmentation can be a refreshing step, helping restore that lost volume and giving your breasts a more youthful and uplifted appearance. Breast augmentation can also be combined with a breast lift.

  • Boost in Self-Confidence:

    Your confidence and self-esteem can take a hit if you’re not fully content with the natural appearance of your breasts. Breast augmentation offers a longer-lasting, empowering option that helps restore all lost confidence and lets you embrace your body with pride.

Types of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has evolved over the years, offering a variety of choices to achieve the desired enhancement. Ther are two main options. Implants and Fat transfer.




Implants are the more commonly used form of breast augmentation here in the UK. Mr Kshem Yapa uses silicone implants. Silicone implants involve silicone shells filled with silicone gel. They closely mimic real breast tissue in look and feel. Understanding the shape of the implants available can help you make an informed decision. There are principally two shapes: round and teardrop.


Round Implants: Filled with silicone, these implants resemble compressed spheres. You might have seen them frequently in the media. They offer your breasts a balanced and proportioned appearance, providing consistent fullness throughout. They’re an excellent choice if you desire an even enhancement, especially with emphasis on the upper pole.


Anatomical (Teardrop) Implants: With their unique tapered shape, tear drop implants are designed to hold their form. They offer you a more natural breast contour, emphasizing the lower breast. Due to their distinct shape, they should remain stationary. They’re ideal if you’re seeking a natural profile with a subtle emphasis on the upper breast.


Implant Insertion


The technique chosen for implant insertion significantly impacts the final look and feel of a breast augmentation. Techniques like subglandular placement, submuscular placement, and dual plane placement each offer distinct results, the type of which used during the procedure is tailored depending on your physical characteristics and treatment goals. 


Subglandular Placement: During subglandular placement, Mr Kshem Yapa places the breast implant above the chest wall muscle but behind your natural breast tissue. This method is often the preferred choice for those with sagging breasts.


Submuscular Placement: This type of implant placement puts the implant behind the chest muscle. This insertion method may be recommended for individuals with limited breast tissue, as it effectively reduces the risk of visible implant rippling, resulting in a more naturally contoured appearance.


Dual Plane Placement: The dual plane placement is a method embracing elements of both prior techniques. For this technique, the implant’s upper part is nestled under the pectoral muscle, while its lower segment lies directly beneath your breast tissue. This approach offers a more natural look, as well as safeguards essential milk ducts and nerves – a prime consideration if you’re leaning towards teardrop-shaped implants.



Fat Transfer


Fat transfer, or fat grafting, is an innovative technique that uses your own body fat, harvested through liposuction, to augment the breasts. The advantage of fat transfer is that it uses natural tissue, which eliminates the risk of implant rupture. Additionally, the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure provides the dual benefit of removing unwanted fat from certain areas of the body.

Breast Augmentation Procedure Steps

Having a clear understanding of the breast augmentation process can ease any nerves and better prepare you for the procedure. Here are the steps involved:

  • Administering Anaesthesia:

    For your comfort and safety, a qualified anaesthetist will administer anaesthesia to ensure you are relaxed and pain-free throughout the procedure. This will be general anaesthesia, meaning you will be asleep during the procedure.

  • Making the Incisions:

    Based on prior discussions and markings, incisions will be made in the predetermined areas to minimise visible scarring.

  • Inserting the Implant:

    Depending on your personal goals and anatomy, a pocket will be crafted either behind your breast tissue or beneath the pectoral muscle, readying it for the implant.

  • Closing Up and Recovery:

    After ensuring symmetry and optimal positioning, the incisions will be carefully closed. A protective dressing will be applied to safeguard the sites and manage swelling. Following a short monitoring period in the recovery room, and given the lingering effects of anaesthesia, please arrange for an adult to drive you home for your safety.

Risks and Complications

Breast implants approved by UK regulators have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of safety and effectiveness. Most individuals who choose breast augmentation experience no major complications. It’s important to remember, like with any medical procedure, there are some associated risks. These include but are not limited to:

Whilst uncommon, some individuals may experience side effects from the anaesthesia used during the procedure.

There are occasional reports linking breast implants to conditions like BIA-ALCL, though these instances remain extremely rare.

Post-operative bleeding can occur, but it’s typically well-controlled and managed by your surgical team.

Some people might notice changes in the sensation of their nipple or breast, which usually settles over time.

There’s a possibility of fluid collecting around the implant, known as a seroma, which may need medical attention.

Scar tissue, or capsular contracture, can sometimes form around the implant, affecting the breast’s shape and feel.

On rare occasions, implants might rupture or leak. Modern implants are designed to minimise this risk, and any issues can be addressed by your healthcare team.


Recovering from a breast augmentation typically spans six to eight weeks. Directly after your procedure, you may feel drowsy due to the sedation. During this phase, you’ll be in a recovery room where professionals will monitor your return to alertness. It’s normal to experience some muscle tension and discomfort, which will gradually ease. Over the initial days, it’s important to rest and avoid straining activities, although light movements, such as brief walks around your home, can promote circulation.


As you progress through the first week, expect some soreness around the surgical area, for which Mr Kshem Yapa will recommend appropriate pain management. By the end of the week, many feel improved and might transition to over-the-counter pain relief. Over the next few weeks, while there might be residual soreness, the most challenging part of recovery has passed. It’s still important to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous tasks. By the two-month mark, most patients are nearing full recovery with implants settling into position.


You will also be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service for your needs 24 hrs a day from the moment you have surgery.


Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.