Chin Reduction

The chin holds a significant place in determining the balance and aesthetics of your face. A disproportionately prominent or wide chin can impact your self-confidence, potentially making it appear overly masculine or distorting the overall profile. On the contrary, a chin situated too distantly from the lips can disrupt the natural flow and balance of one’s facial features.

There are many reasons as to why you may want to opt for a chin reduction surgery in London. For instance, individuals may be born with a prominent and elongated chin (macrogenia), others may have suffered trauma to the area which has resulted in a distorted chin shape, and some may have excess fat around the area, giving them a “double chin” or “witch’s chin” look.

Other conditions a chin reduction can help include:

  • Wide chin
  • Long chin
  • Prominent chin (projects too far outwards)
  • Bifurcated chin (separated with a line in the middle)

Chin reduction surgery, commonly known as reduction genioplasty, chin trimming, or reduction mentoplasty, is designed to address these concerns. A chin reduction is a popular procedure that aims to modify an overextended or broad chin, making it narrower, refined, and more in line with the other facial features. 

This surgical procedure can range from simple chin shaving, which minimises prominence, to more comprehensive techniques used for removing a double chin or accentuating feminine features that fit more harmoniously with your face. Mr Kshem Yapa takes an individualised approach ensuring that each procedure is tailored to the patient’s unique needs.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1-2 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An overnight stay maybe required depending on the extent of the procedure.


Typically general anaesthesia.


Normal activities can resume within 7-10 days.


Avoid for at least 48 hours post-surgery.


Sleep with the head elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling.


Avoid application to the surgical area for 1- 2 weeks.


Avoid driving for at least 5-7 days post-surgery or until off pain medications.


Avoid smoking for at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks post-surgery. Use SPF 30+ when outdoors.

Benefits of Chin Reduction Surgery

Chin reduction surgery can provide you with a host of benefits. These include but are not limited to:

  • Feminine Facial Features:

    By narrowing the chin and refining the jawline, the procedure can bring forth a delicate and more traditionally feminine facial silhouette.

  • Smooth Chin Contour:

    Beyond size and projection, the surgery ensures that the chin boasts a smooth and soft contour. This refinement eliminates any irregularities, providing a natural, seamless transition between the chin and the rest of the face.

  • Improved Facial Profile:

    A prominent or overly large chin can dominate one’s side profile. Chin reduction surgery rectifies this, leading to a more attractive, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing facial profile.

  • Boosted Self-Confidence:

    Boosted Self-Confidence: Perhaps the most significant benefit, beyond the physical changes, is the positive impact on your self-confidence. Feeling good about your appearance often translates to enhanced confidence, allowing you to present yourself with renewed self-assuredness in whichever situation you may be in.

Surgical Techniques Used for Chin Reduction

Chin reduction surgery, like other cosmetic procedures, can be tailored to individual needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients. There are four main techniques which can be used during the procedure:

This is one of the most common methods used for chin reduction. In this approach, the surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth or under the chin. A portion of the chin bone is then carefully removed. The remaining bone is reshaped and repositioned to achieve the desired contour. This is commonly performed by maxillofacial surgeons when significant bony reductions are needed.

Instead of removing a segment of bone, this technique involves shaving or sculpting the bone to achieve the desired shape and size. This method is ideal for those who require subtle changes to their chin contour. It’s less invasive than the osteotomy and usually results in shorter recovery times.

Sometimes, the prominence of the chin is due to an excess of soft tissue rather than bone. In such cases, the surgeon might opt to reduce the soft tissue, creating a smoother and more refined chin contour.

In certain cases, a combination of the above techniques might be needed to achieve optimal results. Additionally, chin reduction can also be combined with other facial surgeries, such as rhinoplasty or neck liposuction, to enhance overall facial harmony.

Chin Reduction Procedure Steps

The type of technique used throughout your procedure will be determined during your initial consultation. The section below describes what you can expect on the day of the procedure, and what the chin reduction surgery entails.

  • Anaesthesia:

    The first step of any procedure is to administer anaesthesia, which is a mix of medicines used to make you feel more comfortable during surgery. Due to the nature of a chin reduction, a general anaesthetic is usually used, and administered by an anaesthetist. This means you are asleep and feel no pain during the operation. Depending on your individual needs and the surgery’s complexity, chin reduction can be a one-day surgery or might require an overnight stay.

  • Incisions:

    To access and effectively work on the chin bone, Mr Kshem Yapa makes a primary incision inside the mouth, situated beneath the front teeth. This approach keeps scars hidden. Occasionally, for better access or specific techniques, a small supplementary incision might be made under the chin, known as a submental incision.

  • Modification:

    With the chin bone exposed, Mr Kshem Yapa employs precision instruments to reshape the chin. This might involve shaving layers off the bone or, in more extensive adjustments, performing an osteotomy where a segment of the bone is removed. The bone can then be repositioned, changing its size, angle, and its relation to the lips. If only small tissue is affected, the bone will be untouched, and instead, Mr Kshem Yapa will remove layers of soft tissue as he deems necessary.

  • Finalising and Closing:

    Once the desired chin shape is accomplished, Mr Kshem Yapa will close the overlying tissue using small sutures. This ensures the wound heals neatly, with minimal scarring.

Risks and Complications

Every surgical procedure comes with inherent risks, and while Mr Kshem Yapa will always prioritise your safety and strive for the best outcomes, it’s important to be informed of potential complications. The rate of complications for chin reduction surgery is generally low, and most are manageable and temporary. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the following possible risks:

This refers to the accumulation of clear fluid within the surgical site, which may need drainage or monitoring.

Sometimes blood can collect in the wound, which may necessitate medical intervention or further surgical management.

Temporary or prolonged numbness can occur, usually as a result of nerve disturbance during the procedure.

Infections, though uncommon, can arise from the growth of pathogenic microbes in the surgical area. If this happens, it’s typically addressed with a course of antibiotics.

There can be instances of asymmetry, inadequate chin reduction, or an outcome that doesn’t align with patient expectations in terms of chin shape or projection.

Though incisions are made in discreet locations, there’s always a risk of scarring, which may vary from patient to patient.


After your chin reduction surgery, it’s important you give yourself a few days for rest and recuperation at home. Ideally, you should consider taking 3-5 days off work to ensure a comfortable recovery period without the pressures of daily routines. In the immediate days post-surgery, it’s normal to notice swelling, bruising, and some level of discomfort. These symptoms, while expected, generally fade within a couple of weeks. 


As the effects of the general anaesthesia dissipate, typically within a few hours of the procedure, you’re advised to engage in gentle activities like walking. This mild movement is beneficial for reducing swelling and promoting circulation. However, due to the residual effects of anaesthesia and the inevitable discomfort you’ll feel afterwards, we advise that you arrange for a reliable individual to drive you home from the hospital.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.