Breast Implant Removal

Breast implants can be a source of both confidence and contention. Over time, you may feel the need to have your implants removed due to various reasons. 

It’s known that breast implants, especially if they are aged or damaged, might need replacing. Indeed, many manufacturers suggest a replacement roughly every 10 years. But beyond the physical condition of the implant, there are other reasons for removal. Some individuals might experience complications like capsular contraction or shifts in the implant’s placement. Some might wish to change the size or position of their implants, and others could be considering a removal because their aesthetic preferences have changed.

Whatever your reason, it’s crucial to understand that the procedure for breast implant removal in London is effective and safe when performed under set conditions. Conducted by Mr Kshem Yapa, the surgery can help you regain the natural feel and look of your breasts. Depending on your individual circumstances and desired outcome, it might also be paired with other procedures, like a breast lift, to enhance the aesthetic results.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1 to 3 hours.

Outpatient Surgery:
Outpatient Surgery:

This is a typically a day procedure.


General anaesthesia.


Most patients can resume light activities after a week, with full recovery in 4-6 weeks.


Wait at least 48 hours post-operation before showering.


Sleep on your back and elevated for the first couple of weeks post surgery.


Avoid for at least a week after the procedure and off pain medication.


Avoid at least 2 weeks before the procedure and a minimum of 4 weeks post-operation.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Limit for at least 6 weeks post-operation. Always use SPF on scars when outside.

Benefits of Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is a significant decision that can be driven by both aesthetic and medical reasons. While breast augmentation has been a choice for many to enhance their silhouette and self-confidence, there are times when removal becomes the preferred or necessary course of action. Here are some of the benefits of breast implant removal:

  • Improved Breast Health:

    Removing implants can significantly improve the overall health of the breast. Over time, complications like breast pain, infections, or the hardening of breast tissue (known as capsular contracture) can arise. These symptoms can be alleviated if you decide to undergo breast implant removal.

  • Reduced Risk of BIA-ALCL:

    Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare condition linked to certain textured implants. Though the risk is minimal, removing the implants can effectively get rid of this threat, the symptoms of which are lumps, swelling, or pain related to their implants.

  • Natural-Looking Results:

    Over time, personal preferences or the physical effects of implants can make you want a more natural appearance. Implant removal can revert the breasts to their innate shape and size. In some cases, other procedures like a breast lift can further enhance the aesthetic results, leading to a more youthful appearance.

  • Boosted Self-Confidence:

    Mental well-being can be as significant as physical health. Over time, you may feel discomfort, anxiety, or reduced self-worth as a result of your implants. Removal can offer psychological relief and lead to an enhanced sense of self-confidence, especially if your aesthetic or personal preferences have evolved over time.

Types of Breast Implant Removal

It’s important for you to know the different methods available for breast implant removal. Based on your specific needs and the findings from your consultation, Mr Kshem Yapa might recommend one of the following procedures:

If the tissue surrounding your implant (known as the capsule) is still soft or is at a ‘Grade 1’ (meaning it’s nearly normal with slight changes), this straightforward procedure might be for you. Here, only the implants are removed. Any remaining scar tissue will naturally dissolve in your body over time.

If your capsule has become very hard, this method involves removing both the implants and the capsules. ‘Very hard’ typically means the capsule is at a ‘Grade 4’, which is considerably firmer than normal tissue. Mr Kshem Yapa will carefully separate the scar tissue from the rest of the breast before removing it.

If you have a ruptured implant, this procedure is likely the best fit. The implant and its surrounding capsule are removed together as one piece, reducing risks such as infection

After taking out your implant, you might notice your breasts appear saggy due to stretched skin. By choosing a breast lift with or without a new, smaller implant, you can restore a firmer, more youthful appearance to your breasts, without significantly extending your recovery time.

Breast Implant Removal Procedure Steps

Understanding the stages of breast implant removal can help you feel more prepared and at ease when you come in for your procedure. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what to expect during the procedure with Mr Kshem Yapa:

  • Administering Anaesthesia:

    Depending on the nature of the procedure and what’s best for you, anaesthesia will be given. The choices typically include intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. Mr Kshem Yapa, in consultation with the anaesthetist, will guide you towards the most appropriate choice for your specific needs.

  • Making the Incision:

    For breast implant removal, an incision might be made along the lower fold of your breast (known as the inframammary fold) or around or just below the areola. The approach Mr Kshem Yapa chooses will be based on ensuring minimal visible scarring and the best possible outcome for you.

  • Carrying Out the Procedure:

    The specifics of this step can vary based on individual needs. Typically, Mr Kshem Yapa will remove the breast capsules and implants, employing a combination of techniques to ensure thoroughness and safety.

  • Sealing the Incisions

    Once the implants and any necessary capsules are removed, the incisions will be carefully closed. This might involve the use of sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or even clips to ensure a neat closure.

    It’s important to note that following your breast implant removal, the shape of your breasts may change. They could appear somewhat flatter or more droopy than before and might have some irregularities or indentations. These changes are natural and are linked to the removal of the implant and the scar tissue that formed around it.

Risks and Complications

Every surgical procedure comes with its own set of risks and potential complications. Mr Kshem Yapa is dedicated to ensuring your safety, prioritising specific techniques to minimise any risks associated with breast implant removal. While many individuals undergo breast implant removal without facing any significant complications, there are some risks you should be aware of:

Post-surgery, some patients might feel unhappy with the new shape or appearance of their breasts.

As with many surgical procedures, there’s a risk of bleeding during or after the operation.

There might be some unevenness in the size or shape of your breasts after the implants are removed.

This refers to the bodily fluid that might accumulate in the space left by the removed implant.

Any surgical procedure carries the risk of infection, though strict cleanliness measures are observed to keep this risk to a minimum.

Depending on the size of the implant and skin elasticity, you might notice some skin sagging post-removal.

There’s a chance of experiencing numbness or changes in the sensation of the nipple area.

While every effort is made to reduce visible scarring, any surgery can result in scars, although they usually fade over time.


Following your breast implant removal, it’s important to manage discomfort by taking prescribed pain relief regularly in the initial days post-surgery. While resting is advised, light movements such as short walks within your home can help speed up your recovery, and you may find yourself ready to return to work after about three to four days. 


To support the healing process, you’ll receive comprehensive guidelines on dressing care, cleaning the surgical area, and post-operative hygiene. You can shower from the day after surgery, but avoid baths, swimming pools, or hot tubs for at least a fortnight to minimise infection risks.


It’s common to feel soreness and sensitivity for up to six weeks. Even though day-to-day activities become manageable a few days after the surgery, steer clear of heavy lifting beyond five to ten pounds, rigorous exercise, and sleeping on your stomach or side for the next six weeks. Remember to wear a compression bra for the first two to three weeks after your surgery, as this supports your breasts and aids in their shaping during the recovery period.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service for your needs 24 hrs a day from the moment you have surgery.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.