Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery

Having excess skin and puffy bags beneath the eyes can not only age you prematurely but also give you a perpetually tired appearance, often misinterpreted as a lack of sleep or exhaustion. Lower blepharoplasty, a procedure specifically tailored for the lower eyelid, addresses these concerns by removing herniated fat and improving the aged look.

It’s important to understand that a lower blepharoplasty focuses on the eyelid itself, not the surrounding areas. This procedure is particularly sought after by those who are troubled by the appearance of eye bags – a concern that’s often related to age-related fat protrusion beneath the lower eyelid. 

When you opt for a lower eyelid blepharoplasty with Mr Kshem Yapa in London, you’re not just choosing a cosmetic enhancement; you’re investing in your self-confidence, rejuvenating your appearance, and getting rid of that “tired” look that can often overshadow your natural vibrancy. The surgical procedure involves either the removal or strategic redistribution of excess fat, complemented by the tightening of slackened skin and muscles.

And, while lower blepharoplasty is often enough on its own, it can be paired with other cosmetic procedures such as an upper eyelid surgery to holistically address any other ageing signs you might wish to tackle. Mr Yapa will guide you through the process during your consultation, ensuring you receive treatment tailored perfectly to your unique needs.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1 to 2 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An outpatient procedure. In some cases, an overnight stay maybe recommended.


General anaesthesia will be during the procedure.


1-2 weeks for noticeable swelling and bruising to subside. Full recovery may take a few weeks longer.


Can resume 48 hours post-surgery, being careful to avoid direct water pressure on the eyes.


Sleep with your head elevated and avoid sleeping on your side or face down for the first few days.


Should be avoided on or around the eyes for at least 2 weeks post-operation. When resuming, use clean brushes and a gentle technique.


Should be avoided for at least a week post-surgery or until you have clear vision.


Smoking should be avoided at least 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after the procedure.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Should be avoided for at least 6 weeks post-operation. When outdoors, wear sunglasses and a high SPF.

Benefits of Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery

Lower eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty) offers several key benefits not limited to but including:

  • Rejuvenating Your Look:

    Over time, our skin gives in to ageing and gravity, leading to sagging and drooping due to diminished collagen and elasticity. This procedure revitalises the under-eye area by removing excess skin and tightening the tissue, presenting a fresher, youthful look.

  • Banishing the Constantly Fatigued Look:

    Some of us constantly appear tired due to heavy eyelids and pronounced eye bags. The lower eyelid surgery tackles this by removing and reshaping these problematic areas, producing a more alert and refreshed appearance.

  • Improvement of Tear Troughs and Dark Circles:

    Ageing can thin the skin under the eyes, amplifying the appearance of dark circles due to the underlying blood vessels. By redistributing fat below the eye, the surgery provides padding between this thin skin and the vessels, alleviating the darkened appearance.

  • Enhanced Upper Cheek Definition:

    Similar to how an upper lid blepharoplasty can redefine the brow, the lower eyelid procedure can lend definition to the upper cheek. Excess sagging skin is removed, and the area is tightened. The repurposed fat further lends a more defined look to the cheekbone.

  • Minimised Makeup Touch-Ups:

    Those familiar with the trials of camouflaging under-eye imperfections know the struggle of constant touch-ups. Post-procedure, the smoother under-eye area demands less makeup, reducing the hassle of frequent touch-ups and saving both time and money.

Surgical Techniques Used

There are three main techniques applied during lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) procedure. These are:

An incision is made just below the lash line, allowing for the removal of excess skin and the repositioning or removal of fat. This technique addresses both skin and muscle laxity.

Suitable especially for younger patients with good skin elasticity, this incision is made on the inner surface of the eyelid. It primarily addresses excess fat without removing the skin. The absence of external scars is a key advantage.

In this technique, a small amount of skin is ‘pinched’ and removed without addressing the underlying muscle or fat. It’s ideal for those with minimal excess skin.

Lower Eyelid Surgery Procedure Steps

Mr Kshem Yapa conducts all lower eyelid surgeries with complete care in a sterile setting, ensuring your safety throughout the process. Here is a breakdown of the typical steps involved in a lower eyelid surgery:

  • Anaesthesia:

    To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, you’ll be given anaesthesia. Most commonly, a local anaesthetic coupled with sedation is used. However, based on your preferences and health, general anaesthesia might be administered by an anaesthetist. It’s worth noting that lower eyelid surgeries are frequently carried out under general anaesthesia.

  • Incision Making:

    Careful and discreet incisions are made. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is generally just beneath the lash line or inside the eyelid, ensuring the removal or redistribution of fat and skin is seamless while hiding scars along natural skin creases.

  • Adjustments:

    Any lost volume in your under-eye area will be replenished with appropriate fillers. Your lower eyelid will be checked and tightened to ensure it’s firm and secure. Certain facial ligaments will be adjusted to diminish the appearance of your under-eye bags. Instead of removing the orbital fat, the preference is to shift its position, only taking away a minimal amount when it’s essential. The deeper layers of your facial tissues will be tweaked and secured in their new position using different suturing techniques.

  • Closing the Incisions:

    Once the desired modifications are completed, the incisions are delicately closed using either sutures or skin adhesive.

Risks and Complications

All medical procedures, including lower eyelid surgery, have inherent risks. Although advanced surgical techniques and the utmost care are taken to mitigate these risks, they can’t be entirely ruled out. Mr Kshem Yapa and his team are committed to ensuring that you are well informed before undergoing the procedure. They will provide a comprehensive overview, discussing what you can anticipate and offering guidance to facilitate a smooth recovery at home. Potential complications following lower eyelid surgery can comprise:

These are common post-operative symptoms that usually diminish within a couple of weeks after the procedure.

Although every effort is made to minimise scars by placing incisions discreetly, complete elimination of scarring isn’t always possible.

A temporary outcome post-surgery, which typically resolves on its own.

A very rare complication where the eye’s position might alter slightly.

As with any surgery, there’s a minor risk of bleeding and infection, although precautions are always in place to prevent them.

The surgery might lead to temporarily dry eyes, which can usually be managed with specific eye medications.

Some patients might observe a change in the skin colour around the operated area, but this usually fades with time.

In the initial days post-surgery, some patients may experience a transient difficulty in fully closing their eyes, which improves as the healing progresses.


Right after the surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and dryness in the eyes. To manage these, use lubricating drops or ointments and cold compresses. The swelling and bruising should start to fade after a week and will usually be gone by the end of the second week. Any scars from the surgery will be subtle, but they might take a few months to fully fade, so keep them out of direct sunlight.


In the first days of recovery, your eyes might be covered with gauze. You can typically go back to work within a few days but avoid heavy activities for two weeks. If you have stitches, expect them to be removed three to four days after the surgery. It’s best to wait two weeks before wearing contact lenses or eyelid makeup. Mr Kshem Yapa and his team will give you detailed post-op care instructions, including how to care for your eyes and signs to watch for during recovery.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.