
The septorhinoplasty procedure is a type of nose job that serves a dual purpose. First, it refines the aesthetics of your nose (rhinoplasty), creating a harmonious balance with your facial features. Second, it enhances your nasal function (septoplasty) for improved breathing comfort. 

During the procedure, Mr Kshem Yapa will adjust the bones and cartilage, providing your nose with its distinct shape. Simultaneously, the septum – the dividing barrier between your nostrils – is straightened. This rectification can be especially beneficial if you have a deviated septum or face breathing challenges.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 2-3 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An overnight stay maybe recommended, depending on individual circumstances.


Usually performed under general anaesthesia.


Allow 2 weeks for initial recovery; full results seen in 6-12 months.


Wait at least 48 hours post-operation; avoid direct water contact to the face.


Elevate your head and sleep on your back for the first 2 weeks.


Avoid applying make-up to the nose area for at least 2 weeks.


Avoid driving for at least 1 week and off pain medications.


Refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks before and after the procedure.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Avoid for at least 6 weeks; use a high SPF when outdoors.

Benefits of Septorhinoplasty

The benefits you’ll experience from a septorhinoplasty are twofold, offering both aesthetic and medical improvements. These include but are not limited to:

  • Aesthetic Appearance:

    Your new nose shape will align with your desired goals, giving your face optimal symmetry and overall aesthetic. This adjustment can offer you newfound confidence, ensuring you feel your best in every situation.

  • Breathe with Ease:

    With the structural improvements of the septorhinoplasty, you’ll notice a significant enhancement in your breathing. This can elevate your exercise experiences, enhance your senses of smell and taste, and contribute to a more fulfilled daily life.

  • Restful Sleep:

    If breathing difficulties have ever interrupted your sleep, the septorhinoplasty can be a game-changer. With improved nasal function, you can look forward to deeper, more restorative sleep, setting you up for brighter, more energetic days.

  • Overcome Deformities:

    If you’ve lived with nasal deformities due to trauma or other causes, this procedure offers a chance to correct them. You’ll be able to move beyond past insecurities and embrace a more confident future.

Types of Septorhinoplasty

Understanding the variations in septorhinoplasty procedures can help you make informed decisions about your care. Here’s a closer look at the types of septorhinoplasty operations:


  • Closed Septorhinoplasty: The closed technique involves surgical incisions exclusively inside the nose, allowing for the correction of deviated or crooked areas. In certain cases, bones might need realignment, especially to address a bent nose or to remove a nasal hump. Remarkably, this often results in no visible scarring, maintaining a natural appearance while enhancing the nose’s profile.


  • Open Septorhinoplasty: For those needing extensive adjustments, this approach includes a small incision at the nose’s base. By lifting the skin, Mr Kshem Yapa can directly access and modify the nose’s internal structures. This method is especially beneficial for major alterations to the nasal tip, a total nasal septum rebuild, or revision surgeries where scar tissue might be present.

Septorhinoplasty Procedure Steps

Undergoing a septorhinoplasty involves a series of precise steps to ensure both functional improvements and cosmetic enhancements. Here’s a brief overview of the typical stages of the procedure:

  • Anesthesia Administration

    Your comfort during the procedure is paramount. You’ll be administered medications which may include either intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. The best choice will be determined in consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.

  • Making the Incision

    The nature of septorhinoplasty often requires incisions within the nasal cavity, usually along the edge of the septum. In more challenging procedures or those combined with rhinoplasties, a slight incision might be made on the columella – the narrow tissue strip separating the nostrils.

  • Separation of the Mucosal Lining

    A crucial step involves gently lifting the nasal mucosal lining, a delicate membrane, from the septum on one side. This process is approached with care due to the lining’s fragile nature. The opposite side undergoes a similar procedure, ensuring that the septum is fully exposed.

  • Correction of the Deviated Septum

    The deviated sections of the septum, comprising bone and/or cartilage, are then removed. The primary aim is to ensure the septum is straight, enhancing both its appearance and functionality.

  • Closing the Incision

    Once Mr Kshem Yapa achieves the desired septum position, he delicately repositions the previously lifted nasal mucosal lining around the septum and sutures it back together, ensuring a neat and secure closure.

Risks and Complications

Mr Kshem Yapa always strives for the utmost precision during surgery, prioritising your well-being. However, it’s essential to understand that any surgical procedure carries inherent risks. Here are the main risks associated with septorhinoplasty:

While minor oozing is expected, if the bleeding is more extensive, it might require further intervention like nasal packing or cautery.

Blood can accumulate beneath the nasal lining. If not drained, it could lead to infections or further complications like a saddle nose deformity.

Small holes might develop in the nasal septum, usually due to intra-operative tears. In extreme cases, if close to the keystone area, it might require corrective surgery.

These are rare post-operative complications. When they do occur, they are typically treatable with antibiotics, leading to full recovery.

A diminished sense of smell might be noticed, especially if the surgery involves the turbinates (tiny structures inside your nose). This usually resolves within half a year.

These are scar tissues that can form inside the nose. The application of splints post-surgery can reduce this risk.

Some patients may feel numbness or increased sensitivity in the upper teeth or lip due to the temporary impact on the nasopalatine nerve. This usually resolves in a few months.


After your septorhinoplasty, it’s important to take two weeks off from your usual routine. This allows your body to heal and the swelling to reduce.


For the first couple of days, try to sleep with your head raised to help with the swelling. It’s best to avoid bending or lifting heavy items, as this could cause bleeding. Also, please steer clear of any strenuous exercise for the first two weeks. Around the five-week mark, you should be able to get back to most of your usual activities, including swimming. However, be extra careful with any sports where your nose might get hit.


You may be given a topical antibiotic cream and pain relief to help with healing. Saline sprays can also be useful in keeping your nose clean. And finally, always remember to follow the guidance provided by Mr Kshem Yapa and reach out if you have any concerns during your recovery.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.