Mini Facelift

A mini facelift might be the ideal solution for individuals seeking to address the early signs of ageing. Over time, and often against your will, you might notice the emergence of fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet around the eyes, which can make the face appear tired or older than it truly is. 

To further add to this burden, the prominence of nasolabial folds, which run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth, can add years to your appearance. And perhaps most notably, the jawline might start to lose its crisp definition, giving rise to jowls and sagging skin.

The mini facelift is a specialised approach to revitalising the lower face and jawline, often preferred by people, like you, who are finding it a challenge to cope with the consequences of ageing. Because, let’s face it – wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines, and sagging skin are not for everyone, so why not use modern medicine to rid us of these discomforts?

Unlike traditional facelifts which often address the full face and neck, the mini facelift, also known as the short scar facelift, is tailored specifically to refresh the areas below the cheeks. This innovative facelift procedure eliminates excess skin, refines the contours of your face, and combats sagging, all with less downtime than its full facelift counterpart.

Ideal for individuals in their 40s to 60s, the mini facelift in London is a popular choice for those seeking to recapture their youth. It’s the go-to procedure for addressing wrinkles and slackened skin in the lower face, while still preserving the essence of your unique features. The best part? It brings out all the benefits of a traditional facelift without the burden of the side effects and downtime that come with general anaesthesia and more invasive incisions.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 0.5-2 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

Usually an outpatient procedure.


Typically administered under local anaesthesia.


Most patients return to normal activities within a few days.


Sleep with your head elevated and avoid sleeping on your side for the first few days.


Wait at least 48 hours post-surgery before showering. Avoid direct water pressure on the surgical area.

Smoking and drinking:
Smoking and drinking:

Refrain from smoking and alcohol before and after the procedure.


Avoid direct sun exposure. Use a high SPF when outdoors.


Refrain from using makeup on the surgical area for at least 1 week.


Avoid driving for at least 1 week post-operation or until off pain medications.

Benefits of a mini facelift

Mini facelift procedures bear several benefits which include:

  • No Need for General Anesthesia:

    One of the common concerns patients have is undergoing general anaesthesia. The mini facelift can be efficiently carried out using local anaesthesia and sedation, offering patients both safety and convenience. You’re fully alert post-procedure, meaning there’s minimal interruption to your day-to-day activities.

  • Quick Recovery:

    Due to its targeted approach, addressing only the layer beneath the skin, the mini facelift offers a swift and more comfortable recovery. This less invasive method, complemented by local anaesthesia, results in decreased bruising, swelling, and discomfort, allowing patients to bounce back faster.

  • Minimal Scarring:

    The mini facelift requires shorter incisions, strategically placed along the hairline and around the ears, camouflaging them within the face’s natural lines. With attentive post-operative care, scars often become barely noticeable.

  • Impressive and Natural Results:

    The term “mini” might be in its name, but its effects are anything but minimal. Ideal for those experiencing mild to moderate signs of ageing, the mini facelift can, in part, reverse the effects of time on the skin, restoring a naturally youthful appearance to the face.

  • Tailored to Your Needs:

    Recognising that every individual’s ageing journey is unique, Mr Kshem Yapa can tailor the mini facelift to address specific concerns. Whether it’s skin laxity, a less-defined jawline, or wrinkles on the face’s lower third, this procedure can be adapted to cater to pretty much anything you may be unhappy with.

How a mini facelift is performed

Whilst the mini facelift offers a subtler enhancement than the more invasive deep plane facelift, it remains an effective choice for addressing signs of ageing in the face and neck areas. Due to the smaller incision required for a mini facelift, there’s a beneficial focus on rejuvenating the jowls and cheek areas, which also means fewer potential complications and a swifter recovery period.
Before the procedure begins, local anaesthesia is administered to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the surgery. This numbs the area to help ease potential anxiety and allow for a safer and smoother surgical experience.

  • Making Precise Incisions

    Strategic incisions are made, typically concealed around the ears. These incisions are designed to minimise visible scarring and provide Mr Kshem Yapa access to underlying tissues. Unlike traditional facelifts where incisions may extend into the hair regions, the mini facelift’s incisions often stop at the natural crease behind the ear.

  • Addressing the SMAS Layer

    The superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), a layer beneath the skin, plays a vital role in achieving enduring results in facelifts. After making the necessary incision, Mr Kshem Yapa will proceed to elevate the SMAS muscle. Depending on your goals and requirements, as well as Mr Kshem Yapa’s assessment, the lifted SMAS may either be imbricated or plicated.

  • Skin Trimming and Tightening

    After adjusting the underlying tissues, any excess skin is trimmed away. The remaining skin is then smoothly repositioned and tightened, effectively diminishing wrinkles and sagging.

  • Optional Submental Access

    For those requiring attention in the submental (under the chin) area, a small incision can be made. This allows for liposuction or other treatments to refine the contour of the neck and jawline.

  • Suturing and Closure

    Once the desired adjustments are made, Mr Yapa uses sutures to close the incisions. These sutures not only hold the newly tightened skin in place but are also positioned to ensure scars heal inconspicuously within the face’s natural lines.

Side effects and risks

Every surgical intervention, including the mini facelift, comes with inherent risks and potential side effects. Mr Kshem Yapa will do his best to minimise your risk of developing any of the below complications, but unfortunately, the probability of this risk cannot be reduced to zero despite all the best-practice guidelines he follows. Proper consultation and commitment to recommended care practices are vital for ensuring both a safe procedure and a satisfactory outcome. Here’s what you should be aware of:

After the surgery, there’s a chance of a haematoma, or blood collection, forming beneath the skin. If not resolved on its own, it may require additional medical attention.

Surgical wounds, especially in smokers, may sometimes become infected. Adhering to pre-surgery guidelines, like refraining from smoking, can help reduce this risk.

Some patients might experience complications with wound healing, leading to scars that might be more noticeable than usual. This complication is often more prevalent among smokers.

A rare but significant concern is the potential damage to the facial nerve, which governs facial muscle movements. Such damage can influence muscle function and expressions.


It’s completely normal to experience some bruising and swelling as your body heals following your procedure. However, the recovery period for a mini facelift, focusing on the lower face and neck, is notably shorter compared to a full facelift. 


While recovery times can vary based on the procedure’s extent and how well you adhere to recovery guidance, most patients find themselves resuming their regular activities within 7–10 days. Moreover, the incisions from the surgery are strategically placed to be inconspicuous, ensuring a subtle and natural-looking enhancement.


The results following a mini facelift should last for around 5-10 years depending on how well you look after yourself and your skin. While it’s uncommon for someone to opt for multiple facelift procedures within their lifetime, some patients might consider complementary treatments in the years to follow to maintain their youthful look.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.