Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The abdomen, for many, becomes a focal point of self-awareness, especially following significant life events such as childbirth or a substantial weight loss journey. It’s often the first thing others tend to notice when talking about weight change, and it’s arguably what most people think of first when looking at their bodies.

For many women, the after-effects of pregnancy can leave them yearning for their pre-baby physique. Whilst the wonders of motherhood are countless, it can often lead to weakened abdominal muscles and stretched skin, which can persist even after resuming regular fitness routines. Similarly, people who have gone on significant weight loss journeys might find themselves with excess skin, which can deter away the aesthetic benefits of weight loss. 

While diet and exercise can assist in shedding unwanted fat, they cannot fully address the slackened muscles or surplus skin. Instead, surgical intervention in the way of a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty may be required. Designed to redefine the contours of your midsection, a tummy tuck procedure involves tightening stretched or separated abdominal muscles while removing surplus skin to reveal a more toned and streamlined silhouette.

In certain instances, Mr Kshem Yapa might add liposuction techniques alongside the tummy tuck to remove any lingering fat pockets and redefine your body contour. It’s important to note that before going through with a tummy tuck in London, you must have remained at a stable weight for some time and must be at a weight close to ideal.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 2-4 hours.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An overnight stay is often required, depending procedure extent.


Typically, general anaesthesia.


Approximately 2-3 weeks for most daily activities; full recovery can take 6-8 weeks.


Avoid for 48 hours after surgery and do not submerge the surgical area for at least 2 weeks.


Sleep on your back with your upper body elevated for the first few weeks.


Avoid for the first 2 weeks post-surgery and while on pain medication.


Avoid for 4 weeks prior to surgery and for at least 4 weeks after.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Avoid on the surgical area for at least 6 weeks post-operation; use a high SPF thereafter.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

An abdominoplasty is often associated with its transformative cosmetic outcomes. However, delving deeper, this procedure offers a suite of benefits that can significantly enhance your quality of life, both physically and emotionally:

  • Correcting Ventral Hernias:

    Think of a ventral hernia as a bulge that crops up when tissues push through a weak spot in the tummy wall. Factors like major weight loss or surgeries, like a C-section, can be causative factors. A tummy tuck, whilst refining your silhouette, also tackles this by fortifying the abdominal wall, making recurrence less likely.

  • Easing Stress Urinary Incontinence:

    Ever had an unexpected leak when you laugh, cough, or exercise? That’s what stress-related urinary incontinence is. Especially common in women post-childbirth, a tummy tuck can, in certain cases, offer a helping hand in reducing these unexpected moments.

  • Relieving Back Pain:

    Following significant life changes like childbirth or major weight loss, a lax abdominal region can be a source of persistent back discomfort. A tummy tuck goes beyond aesthetics, providing the much-needed muscular support that can alleviate such pain.

  • Encouraging Better Posture:

    With strengthened abdominal muscles post-surgery, you’ll likely find yourself standing straighter. A firmer midsection naturally promotes better posture, reducing strain on the spine.

  • Boosting Your Confidence:

    Shedding excess skin and embracing a more contoured figure can boost your self-confidence, allowing you to finally be able to appreciate all that you have worked for.

Surgical Techniques Used for Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

There are several techniques used to elicit the outcome intended by a tummy tuck procedure. The type of technique used during your procedure will depend on a number of factors, including individual anatomical features, the distribution and volume of excess skin, and even personal clothing choices. It’s not unusual for surgeons to ask patients to bring their regular swimwear or undergarments to plan the incision sites, ensuring scars remain discreetly hidden beneath clothing. Depending on your unique needs and preferences, here are the main tummy tuck approaches practised:

Utilising a hip-to-hip incision below the navel (belly button), accompanied by an additional scar around the belly button, the traditional tummy tuck method allows for the repositioning of the navel after removing the excess skin from the upper abdomen. This procedure strengthens the abdominal muscles using sutures, eliminates the surplus skin, and subsequently pulls the remaining skin taut.

In the extended tummy tuck technique, the incision stretches around the flanks, making the scar ends visible from the back. Specially tailored for individuals who’ve experienced significant weight loss, this method treats a broader skin area than the traditional approach and includes an adjustment of the navel, which is repositioned upwards through a circular incision after skin removal.

The Fleur-de-lis tummy tuck uses both horizontal and vertical cuts, with the vertical one being harder to hide. It’s best for those needing thorough correction, especially when a smoother contour is worth an extra scar. For people with long torsos, a small vertical scar can help ensure even shaping.

The Mini tummy tuck, as its name implies, offers a more understated intervention. Given the skin’s natural spread after weight loss or childbirth, this method typically results in modest enhancements. With a scar spanning 4-8 inches above the pubic region, it doesn’t reposition the navel or tackle excess skin in the upper abdomen.

Lipoabdominoplasty combines two popular cosmetic procedures: liposuction and abdominoplasty. This surgical approach targets excess fat deposits with liposuction while simultaneously addressing sagging skin and tightening abdominal muscles via a tummy tuck. The result is a more contoured, flatter abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Procedure Steps

The type of technique used for your tummy tuck will be decided following a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa. Generally speaking, however, your procedure will follow the steps outlined below.

  • Making the Incisions

    Once anaesthesia takes effect, Mr Kshem Yapa will make carefully considered incisions in the abdominal region. The size and number of these incisions hinge on the specific technique being utilised. For instance, a mini tummy tuck might just need a minimal incision beneath the navel, whereas more comprehensive techniques might necessitate incisions extending around the waist, possibly including the back.

  • Repositioning the Navel

    In several tummy tuck procedures, repositioning of the navel becomes essential to ensure the tightened abdomen appears natural. Depending on your anatomy and the procedure’s requirements, Mr Kshem Yapa might either relocate the original navel to a more appropriate position or, in some instances, craft a new navel.

  • Strengthening the Abdominal Muscles

    Over time, the abdominal muscles can weaken or separate. During the tummy tuck, Mr Kshem Yapa tightens these lax muscles. This is achieved by detaching the skin from the abdominal walls, pulling the muscles closer, and securing them, bestowing a more contoured appearance. This also serves to make the waistline more defined.

  • Removing Excess Skin

    Once the muscles are tightened, Mr Kshem Yapa stretches the skin downwards, excising any surplus. Occasionally, liposuction might be integrated at this stage to eliminate any residual fat, ensuring the skin rests smoothly over the newly contoured abdomen.

  • Addressing Stretch Marks

    Though the primary objective of a tummy tuck isn’t stretch mark removal, the procedure often reduces their visibility. When stretch marks are situated below the navel, they can frequently be removed with the excess skin. Post-procedure, remaining stretch marks might appear less prominent.

  • Closing Up

    Concluding the surgery, the skin is stitched together using surgical sutures, facilitating natural wound healing. A surgical can be placed beneath the skin near the incision points to remove any accumulating fluid and reduce infection risk. This drain is usually removed around the same time as the stitches or sometimes even before. Mr Yapa’s normal practice however is to avoid using drains to allow early mobilisation and less discomfort.

Risks and Complications

It’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the possible risks and complications of any procedure you opt to have. Before the procedure, you’ll be required to sign consent forms, ensuring that you’ve been made aware of and understand the inherent risks. While the following list outlines some of the potential risks associated with a tummy tuck, it’s essential to note that this is not exhaustive:

Unevenness or imbalance in the shape or contour post-surgery.

Excessive bleeding during or after the procedure.

Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis can be minimized with compression stockings , early mobilization and blood thinning drugs.

This refers to the death of fatty tissue located deep within the skin.

The accumulation of fluid at the surgical site.

Potential for infection at the surgical wound.

This can manifest as numbness or altered sensation in the operated area.

This might lead to poor scar formation or other issues.


After your tummy tuck surgery, it’s essential to take enough rest at home before diving back into your regular routine. You’ll likely experience some initial discomfort and swelling, which will lessen over time. Ensure you keep the surgical dressings in place until your healthcare team has a chance to assess them. While the complete recovery from a tummy tuck typically takes several weeks, many patients find they can return to work sooner, as long as it doesn’t involve heavy lifting or strenuous movements.


The procedure typically takes between 2-4 hours, and you may find that you can move around the following day. Generally, you’d be looking at 10-14 days off work. After 6-8 weeks, light exercise can be reintroduced, and during this time, wearing a support garment is recommended. Remember, a full recovery might stretch up to a year, and as everyone’s body is different, it’s important you stay in touch with your surgical team for advice tailored to your specific situation.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.