Thigh Lift

For countless individuals, the pursuit of well-toned and shapely thighs is more than just an aesthetic goal. The appearance and feel of the upper leg area can significantly influence your confidence and comfort in daily life. Despite your best efforts with exercise and diet, you may find it challenging to achieve your desired thigh contour, especially after considerable weight loss or due to natural ageing.

A thigh lift, medically termed ‘thighplasty’, is a surgical procedure designed to refine and reshape the thigh area by addressing sagging skin and surplus fat. Often considered following substantial weight reduction, this procedure addresses the issue of skin that has lost its natural elasticity – a factor exercise alone cannot rectify.

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, a thigh lift can also alleviate discomforts like skin chafing and irritation that might occur due to the thighs rubbing against each other during activities like walking or running.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 2-3 hours, depending on the extent of the surgery.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

Typically an outpatient procedure. An overnight stay might be advised in some cases.


General anaesthesia


Usually around 1-2 weeks.


Wait 48 hours post-surgery before showering. Baths should be avoided until sutures are removed and wounds fully healed.


Sleep on your back with legs slightly elevated during the initial recovery period.


Avoid driving for at least 1 week.


Should be avoided at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the procedure.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Should be avoided for at least 6 weeks post-surgery. A high SPF should be applied to scars.

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

A thigh light can provide several benefits, all of which help increase your confidence and reduce the risk of complications further down the line. Here are some of the key benefits of undergoing a thigh lift procedure:

  • Elimination of Surplus Skin and Fat:

    Substantial weight changes can lead to the thighs retaining sagging skin and fatty deposits. A thigh lift offers a surgical solution to getting you well-contoured thighs by addressing both skin and underlying fat. In some cases, liposuction might be combined with the procedure to achieve optimal sculpting.

  • Accentuate Youthful Contour:

    Loose muscles and skin can give the thighs an aged and uneven appearance. A thigh lift not only manages excess skin but also enhances the underlying muscle structure, resulting in smoother, firmer, and rejuvenated thigh aesthetics.

  • Stop Chafing and Discomfort:

    Sagging skin can create folds leading to discomfort, especially during movement, due to skin friction. A thigh lift can significantly reduce such skin folds, ensuring ease in daily activities and minimising the need for regular adjustments or use of barrier products.

  • Reducing Stretch Mark Visibility:

    Weight variations often leave behind stretch marks on the thighs. Tightening the skin through a thigh lift can diminish the appearance of these marks. Furthermore, if the marked skin is excised during the procedure, then the stretch marks are rid for good.

  • Reducing the Risk of Skin Infections:

    Excessive skin in the thigh area can lead to irritations, frequent rashes, and potential skin infections due to constant skin-on-skin contact. By addressing this excess skin, the procedure lessens the likelihood of these skin-related issues.

Thigh Lift Procedure Steps

A thigh lift aims to enhance the appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. While the specifics of the procedure may vary based on individual requirements and the surgeon’s technique, the following are the standard steps in a thigh lift:

  • Administering Anaesthesia

    For your safety and comfort during the operation, anaesthesia will be given. The choices typically include intravenous sedation and general anaesthesia. Based on your health and the extent of the procedure, Mr Kshem Yapa will recommend the most suitable option.

  • Making the Incision

    The pattern and placement of the incision depend on the target area and the degree of correction needed, as well as discussions between you and Mr Kshem Yapa.


    Inner Thigh Lift Incision: There are several techniques for inner thigh lifts. One common method involves incisions in the groin, extending downwards and wrapping around the back of the thigh. Another approach focuses on removing excess skin from the groin down to the knee, using an incision along the inner aspect of the thigh. For those requiring less extensive correction, a minimal incision may be made solely in the groin area.


    Medial Thigh Lift Incision: This targets the upper part of the inner thigh. The procedure involves an incision along the natural crease of your upper thigh, running from your lower groin to just beneath your buttock. Through this, Mr Kshem Yapa tightens your skin and gets rid of the surplus.


    Outer Thigh Lift Incision: To improve the contour of the outer thigh, an incision might extend from the groin, around the hip, and possibly to the back. Using advanced techniques, Mr Kshem Yapa typically ensures incisions are placed in strategic areas where they are concealed by most clothing, though they can be extensive in certain cases.


    In cases where both excess skin and unwanted fat deposits are present, a combination of thigh lift and liposuction might be advised. The procedure involves removing fat through liposuction first, followed by skin tightening to achieve a smooth, contoured appearance.

  • Closing the Incisions

    After reshaping the thigh, Mr Kshem Yapa will use deep sutures within the underlying tissues to provide support to the newly formed contours. The skin incisions might be closed using sutures, skin adhesive tapes, or clips, depending on Mr Yapa’s preference and the specifics of the procedure.

Risks and Complications

Every surgical procedure, including a thigh lift, carries inherent risks. While Mr Kshem Yapa will take all necessary precautions to minimise risks, it’s essential to understand that no procedure can guarantee zero complications. Here are some of the potential risks and complications associated with a thigh lift:

All surgeries leave scars, and in the case of a thigh lift, there’s a permanent scar, which might be more visible depending on its placement and how one’s body heals.

Post-operative swelling in the legs is common. While it usually subsides with time, there’s a slight chance it could lead to a condition known as lymphedema, a persistent swelling due to lymphatic fluid accumulation.

Particularly in areas like the groin crease, healing might be slower due to moisture collection and friction resulting from movement.

Although rare, there’s always a risk of infection or excessive bleeding post-surgery.

While modern anaesthesia is generally safe, reactions or complications can occur, especially if you have certain underlying health conditions.

There might be areas on the thigh where you could experience reduced sensation or numbness, which usually improves over time but can be persistent in some cases.


Right after your surgery, you might feel a bit groggy or even nauseous for a few days. This is entirely normal. Your thighs will be neatly wrapped in compression garments, helping to reduce swelling and support the healing process. You might also notice drainage tubes, which are typically removed before you leave the hospital. Even if you feel sore, it’s important to take short walks in your room; this helps with circulation and promotes healing.


In the subsequent days, you’ll likely see some bruising and swelling. You are encouraged to keep wearing your compression garment and to change any dressings as Mr Kshem Yapa advises. Try to rest as much as possible during this period, and hold off on driving. By the end of the first two weeks, swelling will still be present, but you’ll start to see the results of your surgery. 


As you move into the third and fourth weeks post-operation, you can gradually increase your walking to around 15 minutes a day. This light activity is crucial not just for your physical recovery but also for preventing complications like blood clots. By the two-month mark, your incisions should be mostly healed, and the majority of the swelling will have gone down. 


After the six-month milestone, you’ll notice that any residual swelling has disappeared, revealing the full, beautiful results of your surgery. With a consistent diet and exercise routine, you can cherish and maintain your newly sculpted thighs for the years to come. You will be routinely followed up during your recovery to make sure that everything is going as it should.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.