Mole Removal

Moles are a natural feature of many people’s skin. These round or oval spots can range in size and appear in various shades from pink to black. It’s entirely normal for you to have a number of moles dotted across your face, arms, legs, and back. In fact, many adults have anywhere between 10 to 40 moles. 

As you age, up to around 30-40 years, you might notice new moles emerging, sometimes altering your appearance in unexpected ways. While most moles you have are likely harmless, there might be times when you feel a tad self-conscious about those that are particularly visible or prominent. 

If you’ve ever felt less confident because of a mole, or simply wish to refine your appearance, surgical mole removal in London offers a precise and effective solution. This is especially relevant if you have large or distinct moles, such as atypical ones, which you might find a bit bothersome.

To help you understand, here’s a brief on different types of moles:

  • Halo Nevi: These are small moles with a unique white ring around them.
  • Dermal Melanocytic Nevi: These tend to be light brown and protrude slightly from the skin.
  • Junctional Melanocytic Nevi: You’ll recognise these as brown moles that are typically flat with clear-cut borders.
  • Atypical Nevi: These are larger, with an irregular shape. If you have several of these, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on them due to a slightly increased risk of skin cancer.

It’s always good to keep an eye on your moles. If you ever notice one that starts to itch, changes in its appearance, has multiple colours, becomes elevated or grows in size, or darkens, it’s recommended to seek a professional opinion. Not only is mole removal an aesthetic choice, but in certain cases, it’s a step towards ensuring your skin’s health.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

An outpatient procedure.


Local anaesthesia. Although general anaesthesia might be an option for larger or multiple mole removals.


Most patients can resume normal activities within 24-48 hours.


You should be able to drive immediately after the procedure unless sedation or general anaesthesia is used.


Avoid putting pressure on the treated area.


It’s advised to wait 24-48 hours before showering to keep the treated area dry and clean.


Wait one week before applying make-up to the treated area.


Refrain from smoking for at least 2 weeks before and after the procedure.

Sun Exposure:
Sun Exposure:

It’s crucial to avoid direct sun exposure for at least 2 weeks post-procedure and to use a high SPF when outdoors.

Benefits of Mole Removal

Choosing to have a mole removal procedure can offer several advantages, both medically and aesthetically. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Enhanced Confidence:

    Removing prominent or cosmetically bothersome moles can significantly boost your self-esteem, helping you feel more comfortable in your skin.

  • Reduced Irritation:

    Moles in areas prone to friction (like under bra straps or on the waistline) can become irritated. Removal can alleviate such discomfort.

  • Health Precaution:

    For moles that are atypical or show signs of changes, removal serves as a precautionary step, reducing the risk of potential skin complications.

  • Improved Skin Texture:

    Eliminating raised moles can offer a smoother skin surface, ensuring a more uniform skin texture.

  • Ease of Skincare:

    Without moles, skincare routines such as exfoliation or shaving become simpler, reducing the risk of nicks or uneven application.

How Are Moles Removed

The approach to mole removal is tailored to each individual, depending on your unique anatomy and preferences. During your consultation, the doctor will discuss the most suitable method for you. Here’s an overview of the common techniques:

This method is ideal for moles that are raised above the skin’s surface. The surgeon uses a scalpel to shave the mole off closely to the skin.

Often used for smaller moles, a punch tool is employed to remove the mole in a cylindrical shape, including its deeper layers.

Electrocautery is a procedure that uses an electric current to burn and remove moles. The current, channelled through a specialised instrument, precisely targets the mole, ensuring surrounding tissues are left largely unaffected. Often combined with shave excision, electrocautery ensures comprehensive mole removal.

Suitable for non-raised, smaller moles, laser energy is used to break down the mole’s pigment, making it less visible or eliminating it over a series of sessions. This method is especially effective for smaller, non-raised moles. However, laser removal might not be ideal for deeper moles as the laser may not penetrate sufficiently.

This is a more detailed procedure and is often recommended for larger moles or those suspected of being abnormal. The mole, along with a margin of surrounding skin, is cut out using a scalpel. The size of the margin depends on the mole’s size, type, and location. Once the mole is removed, the wound is then closed with stitches. Depending on the depth and location of the incision, stitches might be placed deep within the skin or on the upper layer. While surgical excision is highly effective, it can leave a scar. The appearance of the scar can be minimised with appropriate wound care and over time.

Using extreme cold, typically through liquid nitrogen, to treat various skin conditions including moles. When applied, the rapid freezing causes the mole cells to be destroyed. Over time, the treated mole darkens, dries up, and eventually falls off. While this method is quick and can be effective for certain mole types, there may be temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. It’s important to note that some moles might require multiple sessions for complete removal. Additionally, like all procedures, there’s a slight risk of scarring, but with proper care, this can be minimised.
Remember, the best method for mole removal will be determined during your consultation, taking into consideration the mole’s size, location, and type, along with your personal preferences.

Risks and Complications

While Mr Kshem Yapa will do his best to minimise any potential complications, as with all medical procedures, there are inherent risks associated with mole removal. It’s important to keep yourself informed of these potential outcomes to make an educated decision:

One of the most common concerns following a mole removal is the development of a scar. The visibility and size of the scar often depend on the mole’s location, removal method used, and individual healing processes.

There’s a risk of infection at the site of removal. Maintaining the area clean and dry and following post-procedure care guidelines can significantly reduce this risk.

Some individuals might have an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia or other substances used during the procedure.

The treated area might either darken (hyperpigmentation) or lighten (hypopigmentation) compared to the surrounding skin, especially if exposed to sunlight prematurely post-procedure.

Especially in deeper or larger moles, there’s a possibility that not all mole cells are removed, leading to the mole reappearing over time.

In rare cases, if a mole is removed from near a nerve, there might be temporary or permanent numbness or tingling in that area.

If stitches are used, there’s a slight chance of the body reacting adversely to the suture material, causing inflammation or discomfort.


Your recovery largely depends on your general health and the size of the mole removed. Most people heal within two to three weeks. During this time, you can go about your daily life, but the area might feel tender, and you may notice a little bit of residual bleeding which is entirely normal.


It’s important to keep the wound clean, moist, and covered. Change the dressing every day or as your doctor recommends. Once the area has healed, always apply sunscreen when it’s exposed to sunlight, as this not only protects the skin but helps prevent any discolouration. 


There are a few things you should look out for, such as any discharge, itchiness, shape changes, or regrowth, as this may need further attention. We recommend that you strictly adhere to the advice given to you by Mr Kshem Yapa so that the chances of any complications can be diminished.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.