
Sometimes, certain areas of stubborn fat persist despite dedicated efforts with diet and exercise. It can be disheartening to strive for a more aesthetically pleasing body only to find that these resistant pockets of fat refuse to budge. In some ways, it makes you feel like all your efforts have gone to waste. So what can you do? Liposuction offers a safe and effective avenue to target these specific regions, paving the way for the contour and confidence you’ve been working towards.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure adept at targeting and removing localised fat deposits. This treatment can be tailored to various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, face, and back. If you’ve been considering a more sculpted appearance, and are unable to tone up certain areas using diet and exercise alone, understanding liposuction might be the key to unlocking your desired physique.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 1-3 hours, depending on the areas being treated.

Hospital Stay:
Hospital Stay:

Usually an outpatient procedure.


Typically general anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia with sedation may be used for smaller areas.


Return to light activities within a week; full recovery usually takes 4-6 weeks. Compression garments should be worn for several weeks post-surgery.


Wait 48 hours post-surgery before showering.


Sleep slightly elevated and on your back to avoid putting pressure on treated areas.


Avoided for at least 48 hours post-procedure and while on pain medication.


Avoid for at least 2 weeks before and after the procedure.

Direct Sun Exposure:
Direct Sun Exposure:

Should be limited for at least 2 weeks post-surgery. Use a high SPF when outdoors.

Benefits of Liposuction

Understanding the potential benefits of liposuction offers a clearer insight into what you might expect following the procedure. It allows you to gauge its alignment with your goals, ensuring that it’s indeed the right choice for you. The below are just some of the many benefits you can expect following a liposuction procedure:

  • Relatively safe:

    The liposuction process involves making minor incisions and introducing a specialised solution to numb and dislodge fat cells, followed by gentle suctioning out of the fat using a cannula. The extracted fat is pristine, and the entire procedure is designed to ensure minimal discomfort, making the recovery period relatively short for most.

  • Permanent Eradication of Fat Cells:

    One big advantage of liposuction is the permanent removal of fat cells from treated regions. These cells, once gone, do not regenerate. However, that’s not to mean you can’t regain fat in the area.

  • Aiding Overall Health through Fat Reduction:

    Maintaining an optimum weight and body mass index (BMI) is crucial for health. By eliminating undesired fat deposits – sometimes several pounds from a single area – liposuction can help you move closer to your ideal weight, enhancing your overall health and well-being.

  • Enhanced Physical Appearance and Perception:

    First impressions, often influenced by appearance, can shape perceptions. Liposuction refines your physique, potentially altering how others perceive you, and casting you in a more favourable light.

  • Boost in Confidence and Self-Esteem:

    Many people grapple with self-consciousness due to persistent fat areas that resist dietary and exercise efforts. Liposuction, by contouring and refining these areas, often grants a surge in self-confidence, giving you the opportunity to feel more at ease in whatever clothes you want to wear, including beachwear.

Liposuction Procedure Techniques

Liposuction has evolved over the years, with several techniques available today. The chosen method often depends on individual factors, the area of the body being treated, and the surgeon’s expertise. Here’s an overview of the various liposuction techniques:

The tumescent technique revolves around infusing a significant volume of a specialised medicated solution into the fatty region. This solution contains a combination of anaesthetic agents which numb the targeted area, and drugs that constrict the blood vessels, thereby minimising bleeding.

Once the solution is administered, a slight incision is made, paving the way for a cannula connected to a suction apparatus to extract the fat. Due to its inherent properties, the tumescent approach is particularly favoured, thanks to the reduced likelihood of bruising and swelling, absence of heat application, and subsequent diminished risk of skin-related complications.

In this method, a unique cannula radiating ultrasound waves is employed. The emitted ultrasound energy is potent enough to break apart fat cell walls, transforming them into a more liquid state. This liquified fat is then suctioned out, ensuring a clean removal.

Traditional liposuction is a procedure whereby the surgeon makes an incision and uses cannulas to remove fat deposits. Afterwards, the incisions are closed with dissolvable stitches. Sometimes, drainage tubes are used to prevent fluid build-up.

Power-assisted liposuction, with devices such as MicroAire and Lipomatic, uses motorised cannulas to remove fat. The motorised movement assists in efficiently breaking down and removing fat, making the procedure smoother and less physically demanding for the surgeon.

Liposuction Procedure Steps

Liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat deposits from specific regions of the body, thereby enhancing one’s contour and silhouette. This procedure utilises a cannula, a slender hollow tube, introduced via small skin incisions, to extract the undesired fat.

Potential Areas for Liposuction:
– Back and thighs
– Abdomen and legs
– Chest and abdomen
– Face and neck

  • Administering Anaesthesia

    For your comfort throughout the surgery, appropriate anaesthesia will be provided. This could be either intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia, with the most suitable option being determined by Mr Kshem Yapa.

  • Making the Incision

    The procedure begins with tiny, discreet incisions. Initially, a diluted local anaesthetic solution is introduced, minimising bleeding and tissue damage. Shortly after, a cannula is introduced through these incisions, using deliberate back-and-forth movement to dislodge the fat. This released fat is then sucked up using a surgical vacuum or syringe connected to the cannula.

    It’s worth noting that the specific technique of liposuction utilised will depend on several factors, all of which will be elaborated upon during your consultation.

  • Results

    After your procedure, once swelling and fluid retention diminishes, your enhanced body contour becomes evident. To ensure the longevity of these results, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise, keeping in mind that significant weight gain might modify the outcomes.

Risks and Complications

Liposuction, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks. While many people benefit significantly from liposuction, understanding potential complications is important in allowing you to make an informed decision. Prior to undergoing the procedure, you will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure you’ve comprehended the potential risks and the procedure itself, which include but are not limited to:

While some post-operative bruising is expected, in certain cases, it may be more pronounced and last longer than anticipated.

There’s a slight risk of unintentional damage to deeper structures like nerves, blood vessels, and vital organs.

Some patients might experience prolonged or permanent changes in skin sensitivity in the treated area.

As with any surgery, there’s a risk of infections, although it’s typically low with standard post-operative care.

This includes asymmetry, dimpling, or unexpected skin texture changes. Sometimes, subsequent procedures might be needed to correct these.

Liposuction can potentially cause fluid imbalances in the body, which, while rare, might need medical intervention.


Liposuction recovery usually takes about six weeks. For the first three days, you’ll need to rest a lot. You’ll wear a tight garment to help with swelling and might have drains to remove excess fluid. There will be some pain, but we’ll provide you with all the medicines you need to help keep you comfortable at home. We advise that you stick to moving around your house and avoid hard tasks.


By the end of the second week, the pain should start to ease. There will still be some swelling and bruising, which is entirely normal. It’s important to keep wearing the tight garment and look after any surgical areas as this will help keep swelling down and speed up your healing. You can move around more and might think about going back to work, depending on your job.


From weeks three to six, most of the pain and swelling should go away. This is when you’ll start seeing the results of the surgery. You can begin light outdoor activities and exercises. By the end of six weeks, you should be back to your normal routine.


You will be provided with a direct phone line to our experienced specialist cosmetic surgery nurse who provides an on call service 24 hrs a day, from the moment you have surgery, for any questions or concerns you may have or any other support you may need. We take pride in making sure our patients are well looked after following surgery and want you to feel well supported throughout your journey with us.

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.