Facial Fillers

Facial fillers, commonly known as dermal fillers, offer a non-surgical approach for those seeking to rejuvenate and refresh their appearance. As we age, our skin naturally loses its elasticity and suppleness, leading to the formation of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and nasolabial folds, just to name a few consequences. 

Facial fillers work by introducing a gel-like substance beneath the skin, providing volume and support where it has diminished over time. This process aids in tightening the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and restoring youthful plumpness, particularly in areas like the lips and cheeks. Ideal candidates for facial fillers in London are those who wish to enhance their facial contours, reduce signs of ageing, and achieve a naturally refreshed look.

At a glance

Procedure Length:
Procedure Length:

Typically 30-60 minutes.


Topical anaesthetic cream or local anaesthesia.


Minimal to none. Although slight swelling or redness may occur.


No makeup should be applied to the treated area for 24 hours.


Sleep with your head elevated for the first night to reduce swelling.


Avoid hot water on the treated area for 24 hours post procedure.


Refrain from smoking at least a week before and after the procedure.

Sun Exposure:
Sun Exposure:

Should be avoided for at least 48 hours post-treatment. Apply SPF when outdoors.

Benefits of Facial Fillers

Knowing the benefits of a treatment helps you set realistic expectations and allows you to make informed decisions about your cosmetic journey. Facial fillers are designed to address a variety of concerns related to facial ageing, volume loss, and skin quality. Here are some key benefits of opting for this non-surgical treatment:

  • Diminish Lines and Wrinkles:

    With time, the skin can develop prominent lines such as nasolabial folds – the deep-set wrinkles that form around the nose and mouth, often referred to as smile or laughter lines. Facial fillers containing hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally present in our skin, work beneath the surface to fill out these lines, providing a smoother appearance.

  • Enhance Lip Volume:

    Ageing often results in the thinning of lips, accompanied by the formation of vertical lip lines. Facial fillers can rejuvenate this area, restoring a youthful plumpness to the lips and smoothing out associated wrinkles.

  • Revitalise Sunken Cheeks:

    As cheeks lose volume, the face can take on a tired or hollow appearance. Certain facial fillers are created to target this specific concern, adding volume beneath the skin, lifting the cheeks, and promoting a more youthful and radiant facial contour.

  • Natural-Looking Results:

    Using hyaluronic acid, facial fillers complement the skin’s intrinsic composition. This ensures results that seamlessly blend with your natural features, avoiding the overdone appearance that some fear with cosmetic treatments.

  • Immediate and Long-Lasting Results with No Downtime:

    Facial fillers offer immediate enhancement results and the ability to swiftly resume your daily routine without any significant interruptions. The effects of facial fillers are also long lasting and can range between several months to a couple of years, depending on the specific product and individual factors.

Types of Facial Fillers

Fortunately, the world of cosmetic medicine has introduced a number of different types of facial fillers. The right filler for you depends on your aesthetic goals, potential allergies, body composition, and other pertinent factors. During your consultation you can discuss the best option for your desired goals. Here’s an overview of some commonly used facial fillers:

These are the most popular type of dermal fillers, known for their versatility and natural composition. As hyaluronic acid is a substance already present in our skin, these fillers provide seamless integration, effectively addressing wrinkles, lines, and volume loss. And, as they’re derived from a natural product, there’s a reduced risk of your body reacting to the treatment.

Derived from a mineral-like substance found in bones, this filler is thicker than hyaluronic acid and provides excellent results for deeper wrinkles and folds. It’s also known for stimulating natural collagen production, aiding in skin rejuvenation in a more natural way.

A biodegradable, synthetic substance, this filler helps to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production. It’s ideal for addressing deeper facial wrinkles and is commonly known as a ‘collagen stimulator’.

PMMA is a semi-permanent filler that consists of microspheres suspended in a collagen gel. It offers long-lasting results and is ideal for filling deeper wrinkles and enhancing the volume in areas like the cheeks.

Using your own fat, harvested from another part of the body, this filler provides a natural way to enhance facial volume. Since it utilises your own tissue, the risk of allergic reactions is minimised.

How Facial Fillers Work

During your facial filler procedure, your Mr Kshem Yapa will first evaluate your face, pinpointing areas ripe for enhancement and potentially taking reference photos. Following a thorough cleanse with an antibacterial solution, he’ll ensure your comfort by applying a cold compress, topical cream, or administering a local anaesthetic. 


The filler is then precisely injected into the designated sites, allowing time for pauses to subtly massage the area and guarantee the injected product is spread evenly throughout. Once satisfied, any marks are cleaned off, and you might be offered a cold compress to mitigate swelling.

Risks and Complications

While dermal fillers, especially those based on natural substances like hyaluronic acid, typically present minimal risks, it’s important to recognise that no procedure is entirely without potential complications. Expertly trained, Mr Kshem Yapa will use impeccable techniques to administer fillers, aiming for utmost comfort and minimal aftereffects. That being said, some individuals, particularly those with sensitive skin or unique sensitivities, might experience the following post-treatment reactions:

You might notice redness, tenderness, or slight itching at the injection site. These minor reactions generally subside within a few days. If bruising appears, it’s typically due to incidental contact with small blood vessels and is a standard response, fading naturally over time.


Rare, more severe complications are infrequently seen and tend to be linked to inappropriate practices, like flawed injection techniques or insufficient sterilisation.

Rare, more severe complications are infrequently seen and tend to be linked to inappropriate practices, like flawed injection techniques or insufficient sterilisation.


One of the standout advantages of the facial filler procedure is its non-intrusive approach. Procedures using products like Profhilo are not only swift but also gentle, meaning that downtime is kept to a minimum.


Right after your treatment, you’re free to go about your day and even drive without any hindrances. Nevertheless, to ensure optimal results, it’s best to steer clear of direct sunlight, refrain from wearing make-up, and avoid both alcohol and heavy physical exertion for the subsequent 24 hours.


It’s normal to experience slight bruising or tenderness after the injection, which typically fades within 24 to 72 hours. Should any complications or signs of infection emerge, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Book your consultation

If you would like to discuss this procedure in detail and understand if it’s the right procedure for your goals, book a consultation with Mr Kshem Yapa.


Get in touch today

If you would like to book a consultation with Kshem Yapa or learn a little more about our procedures and services please contact us via the form below to request a call back. We offer face-to-face consultations at our Harley Street Clinic and virtual consultations for those unable to attend our clinic.